Glen Pearson

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Glen Pearson.

No better time to fight for democracy

No better time to fight for democracy

Every­where we turn there is doubt, a sense of dimin­ish­ment, even despair.…

Time to denounce hatred, bigotry, disruptors who prevent civil discourse

Time to denounce hatred, bigotry, disruptors who prevent civil discourse

Call it defi­ant democ­ra­cy or hon­ourable human­i­ty, per­haps the time has come for…

We face tough questions if we don't overcome our differences

We face tough questions if we don't overcome our differences

For any soci­ety to be suc­cess­ful, it must allow for its con­tra­dic­tions, lots of…

Not Interested

Course Correct

It's Time for A Different Kind of Summit

The Russia We Don't Know

Boris Johnson's Contempt a Lesson to All

All Against All

Our Greatest Dangers are Political

They're Just Not That Into China

The Long War

When “Go It Alone” Leaves You Alone

The Economic Tide is Turning

History's Forgotten

The Right to Exist

Touching Moments of Darkness

Beyond Shame

The Warning Signs are Still There

Throwing Bad Politics After Good People

Russia's Other War

No Place to Coalesce

A Prince of Parliament

A Future Without Ukraine?

Our Future is Here

When Democracy Becomes a Battlefield

Taking Human Out of Human Rights

Lest We Forget

Losing the World

Democracy? Take Your Pick

It's About Time

Our New Adventure

Time For a Hard “No”

When Either Choice is Fatal

We're All Soldiers in This War

Anatomy of Hate

The Dangers of Political Myopia

The Decline of Care is Becoming Endemic

Live or Let Die

Digging Our Own Graves

Nostalgia or Reality

Politics in the Fast Lane

Never a Good Thing

When Nations Betray Their Ideals

Tumbling Across The Election Landscape

Anguish Across Two Continents