Ian Campbell

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Ian Campbell.

Shrink government revenues? Grow TFSA room? Economists weigh in on what a Poilievre tax-reform panel could—or should—consider

Shrink government revenues? Grow TFSA room? Economists weigh in on what a Poilievre tax-reform panel could—or should—consider

In the wake of Pierre Poilievre’s com­mit­ment to launch a tax-reform task force in…

Trudeau’s leadership faces further stress tests in series of coming byelections

Trudeau’s leadership faces further stress tests in series of coming byelections

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is fac­ing at least four more pub­lic tests of his…

‘So damn offensive’: NSICOP and Hogue findings on media raise serious concern about covert targeting of Canadian journalists

‘So damn offensive’: NSICOP and Hogue findings on media raise serious concern about covert targeting of Canadian journalists

Covert­ly plac­ing nar­ra­tives in Cana­di­an media that for­ward the inter­ests of…

Caucus disquiet grows after Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection upset as Liberals face ‘catastrophic loss’ with status quo

Caucus disquiet grows after Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection upset as Liberals face ‘catastrophic loss’ with status quo

For the Trudeau gov­ern­ment, the writ­ing has been on the wall since Novem­ber, and…

‘Stark reality’: Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection loss shows no seat safe for Liberals, politicos warn

‘Stark reality’: Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection loss shows no seat safe for Liberals, politicos warn

The Con­ser­v­a­tives’ cap­ture of the Toron­to-St. Paul’s seat — a Lib­er­al fortress…

Hogue says nominations a ‘gateway’ for foreign interference, but Marland says parties ‘wary about the state having rules limiting what they do’

Hogue says nominations a ‘gateway’ for foreign interference, but Marland says parties ‘wary about the state having rules limiting what they do’

For­eign inter­fer­ence has put a spot­light on long­stand­ing con­cerns about the…

‘A permissive environment’: four security gaps flagged by NSICOP where Ottawa has been slow to act

‘A permissive environment’: four security gaps flagged by NSICOP where Ottawa has been slow to act

The prospect of par­lia­men­tar­i­ans aid­ing for­eign pow­ers has cap­tured near-total…

Liberals ‘got what they wanted’ on capital gains vote, but success depends on which ‘narrative wins out,’ say observers

Liberals ‘got what they wanted’ on capital gains vote, but success depends on which ‘narrative wins out,’ say observers

Now that the Con­ser­v­a­tives have come out against the cap­i­tal gains tax hike, the…

Rate cut welcome news for Liberals, but won’t shift voter views on economic record, say politicos

Rate cut welcome news for Liberals, but won’t shift voter views on economic record, say politicos

The Bank of Canada’s rate cut is wel­come news for the Lib­er­als, but not enough to…

B.C. voter data complainant calls out microtargeting, as parties mum on next steps after court loss

B.C. voter data complainant calls out microtargeting, as parties mum on next steps after court loss

A pri­vate cit­i­zen behind a com­plaint that has led to tighter pri­va­cy rules for…

Liberal budget comms ‘a miss’ at catching young voters, unlikely to achieve ‘narrative shift,’ say pollsters

Liberal budget comms ‘a miss’ at catching young voters, unlikely to achieve ‘narrative shift,’ say pollsters

The government’s attempts at reach­ing younger vot­ers through a pre- and…

Budget’s ‘slow rollout’ pharmacare funding leaves program vulnerable to change in governments, say policy experts

Budget’s ‘slow rollout’ pharmacare funding leaves program vulnerable to change in governments, say policy experts

The time­line and fund­ing for phar­ma­care laid out in last week’s fed­er­al bud­get…

Conservatives ‘riding the stronger horse’ in competing narratives about budget: pollster Lyle

Conservatives ‘riding the stronger horse’ in competing narratives about budget: pollster Lyle

Two nar­ra­tives about the 2024 fed­er­al bud­get set out by the finance min­is­ter and…

Government’s newly proposed privacy policies won’t change how federal political parties use voter data: experts

Government’s newly proposed privacy policies won’t change how federal political parties use voter data: experts

A sec­tion of the government’s new elec­toral reform law that deals with pri­va­cy…

Polls show ‘across-the-board, generalized retreat’ from Liberals, says Coletto

Polls show ‘across-the-board, generalized retreat’ from Liberals, says Coletto

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau will ​‘either walk up to the edge of the next elec­tion…

It’s difficult to ‘follow the money’: former MPs, bureaucrats, and PBOs say budget and estimates process makes it tough for Parliament to hold government spending to account
Attorney general calls B.C. privacy case ‘premature,’ says federal political parties can ‘self-regulate’ use of voter data: new documents

Attorney general calls B.C. privacy case ‘premature,’ says federal political parties can ‘self-regulate’ use of voter data: new documents

The Attor­ney Gen­er­al of Cana­da wants to see a B.C. court case involv­ing…

‘People were drawn to him’: former prime minister Brian Mulroney could motivate his team and connect personally with rivals, say colleagues and friends

‘People were drawn to him’: former prime minister Brian Mulroney could motivate his team and connect personally with rivals, say colleagues and friends

Col­leagues and friends of for­mer prime min­is­ter Bri­an Mul­roney are remem­ber­ing…

‘A lot of outstanding detail’ on pharmacare leaves program’s future riding on talks with provinces

‘A lot of outstanding detail’ on pharmacare leaves program’s future riding on talks with provinces

Com­pro­mis­es made by both the Lib­er­als and the NDP to achieve a phar­ma­care…

Some Senators open to blocking government’s MAID legislation, while others say that’s ‘overstepping’

Some Senators open to blocking government’s MAID legislation, while others say that’s ‘overstepping’

As the gov­ern­ment rush­es to push through leg­is­la­tion that would fur­ther delay…

Federal Court decision on Emergencies Act may blunt a key Liberal attack against Poilievre: pollster

Federal Court decision on Emergencies Act may blunt a key Liberal attack against Poilievre: pollster

With two vet­er­an judges hav­ing come down on ​“dif­fer­ent sides of the line” in their…

Holland’s negotiating skills will determine his success in health portfolio this year, say observers

Holland’s negotiating skills will determine his success in health portfolio this year, say observers

Mark Holland’s abil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate with a mix of force and finesse makes him…

Liberal MP Turnbull says Conservatives have ‘overstated the significance’ of Rogers’ price hike for wireless customers

Liberal MP Turnbull says Conservatives have ‘overstated the significance’ of Rogers’ price hike for wireless customers

Indus­try Par­lia­men­tary Sec­re­tary and Lib­er­al MP Ryan Turn­bull says the…

Despite growing talk of a recession in 2024, affordability remains key frame for economic issues, say observers

Despite growing talk of a recession in 2024, affordability remains key frame for economic issues, say observers

There’s grow­ing talk of a pos­si­ble reces­sion in 2024, but vot­ers will like­ly…

Lots of goodwill between Liberals and NDP on pharmacare, but ever-present chance they’ll ‘mismanage the relationship,’ warns pollster Lyle

Lots of goodwill between Liberals and NDP on pharmacare, but ever-present chance they’ll ‘mismanage the relationship,’ warns pollster Lyle

There remains enough good­will between the Lib­er­als and NDP for those par­ties to reach…

Affordability will remain a top political issue in 2024 after inflation stalls in latest CPI report, say observers

Affordability will remain a top political issue in 2024 after inflation stalls in latest CPI report, say observers

The final CPI num­bers for the year indi­cate that afford­abil­i­ty and inter­est rates…

PROC study should address ‘politicization of the speakership,’ says former parliamentary counsel

PROC study should address ‘politicization of the speakership,’ says former parliamentary counsel

A for­mer House of Com­mons Clerk called Greg Fer­gus’ deci­sion to appear in…

Liberals risk ‘intense criticism’ from Conservatives if pharmacare grows federal deficit, says pollster Bruce Anderson

Liberals risk ‘intense criticism’ from Conservatives if pharmacare grows federal deficit, says pollster Bruce Anderson

Recent reports from the Par­lia­men­tary Bud­get Office found that a uni­ver­sal…