Jake Fuss

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Jake Fuss.

Removing internal trade barriers would help mitigate damage from Trump tariffs
Trudeau government out of touch with economic reality in Canada
If you spent and borrowed like the Trudeau government you’d be in big trouble
Trudeau government programs won’t make ‘life cost less’

Trudeau government programs won’t make ‘life cost less’

According to the Trudeau government, it’s making “life cost less” and “improving affordability” for Canadians with federal programs such as...

The Size of Government in Canada in 2022

The Size of Government in Canada in 2022

This bulletin measures the size of government in Canada, by province, based on total government spending as a share of...

Trudeau government must change fiscal approach in upcoming budget
The Cost of Business Subsidies in Canada: Updated Edition

The Cost of Business Subsidies in Canada: Updated Edition

Business subsidies delivered through government spending since 1961 came with significant costs to Canadian taxpayers. In 2019, provincial business subsidies...

Trudeau government should scrap ‘supply management’ and save Canadians money
Trudeau government’s disinterest in entrepreneurship and business investment hurting economy
Understanding the Nature of Canada’s Fiscal and Economic Challenges

Understanding the Nature of Canada’s Fiscal and Economic Challenges

The Trudeau government was first elected in 2015 based in part on a new approach to government policy, which promised...

Generosity in Canada: The 2023 Generosity Index

Generosity in Canada: The 2023 Generosity Index

Manitoba had the highest percentage of tax filers that donated to charity among the provinces (19.7%) during the 2021 tax...