Jason Markusoff

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Jason Markusoff.

Helplessness and the Jasper inferno

Helplessness and the Jasper inferno

There’s a wash of emo­tions that sure­ly hit the fire­fight­ers hav­ing to retreat…

So many self-inflicted wounds, so few allies. Alberta's energy war room was long doomed

So many self-inflicted wounds, so few allies. Alberta's energy war room was long doomed

It was nev­er real­ly the war room that for­mer Alber­ta pre­mier Jason Ken­ney dreamed…

Shannon Phillips targeted climate and parks action. Then she got targeted. The NDPer is now leaving office

Shannon Phillips targeted climate and parks action. Then she got targeted. The NDPer is now leaving office

The Rachel Not­ley gov­ern­men­t’s con­sumer car­bon tax wound up becom­ing a weapon…

Albertans think Danielle Smith is bad on affordability. Here's why she isn't paying for it

Albertans think Danielle Smith is bad on affordability. Here's why she isn't paying for it

The three most impor­tant issues to Alber­tans are health care, the cost of liv­ing and…

The 'Redmonton' party no more: Alberta NDP's base has shifted to Calgary

The 'Redmonton' party no more: Alberta NDP's base has shifted to Calgary

You don’t have to go far back — 2012, or four elec­tions ago — to find a time when…

Danielle Smith, big government's unlikely fan

Danielle Smith, big government's unlikely fan

When Pre­mier Danielle Smith put forth the ambi­tion of build­ing a mul­ti-city…

Can't they ever just get along, Justin Trudeau and Danielle Smith? Sometimes, yes!

Can't they ever just get along, Justin Trudeau and Danielle Smith? Sometimes, yes!

In among all the pokey words Pre­mier Danielle Smith flung at the prime min­is­ter (and…

Danielle Smith bets Albertans would rather save than spend — finally

Danielle Smith bets Albertans would rather save than spend — finally

Pre­mier pitch­es mas­sive Her­itage Fund as she shelves tax cut, tight­ens spend­ing.…

NDP MP wants to treat oil like tobacco. Alberta NDP doesn't smoke the same stuff

NDP MP wants to treat oil like tobacco. Alberta NDP doesn't smoke the same stuff

New Demo­c­rat MP Char­lie Angus’s mes­sage this week that the oil and gas sec­tor needs…

Ex-mayor Nenshi loathes partisan politics. He may run for Alberta NDP leader anyway

Ex-mayor Nenshi loathes partisan politics. He may run for Alberta NDP leader anyway

For­mer Alber­ta jus­tice min­is­ter Kath­leen Gan­ley kicked off her bid Mon­day to lead…

Danielle Smith bids to transcend politics with Canada's toughest trans youth rules

Danielle Smith bids to transcend politics with Canada's toughest trans youth rules

Pre­mier Danielle Smith swore for months that she did­n’t want to politi­cize issues…

Tucker Carlson brought controversy to Danielle Smith's Calgary — then took her somewhere dicier

Tucker Carlson brought controversy to Danielle Smith's Calgary — then took her somewhere dicier

U.S. com­men­ta­tor press­es Alber­ta pre­mier on con­voy-relat­ed legal cas­es. Back at…

Danielle Smith eyes an Alberta go-between for federal-city deals

Danielle Smith eyes an Alberta go-between for federal-city deals

Here’s a non-exhaus­tive list of things that Pre­mier Danielle Smith’s gov­ern­ment…

Danielle Smith warned about 'net-zero' 2035. Alberta power grid's woes showed up early

Danielle Smith warned about 'net-zero' 2035. Alberta power grid's woes showed up early

In white text on black boards, mes­sages that were both visu­al­ly and rhetor­i­cal­ly…

Notley made Alberta NDP a winner and planted unlikely dream: winning again

Notley made Alberta NDP a winner and planted unlikely dream: winning again

For a sense of how colos­sal the Alber­ta NDP’s debt is to Rachel Not­ley,…

In 2024, Alberta NDP decides who it is without Rachel Notley as leader

In 2024, Alberta NDP decides who it is without Rachel Notley as leader

Since at least her days as pre­mier, NDP Leader Rachel Not­ley has worn the same…

A matter of time: Danielle Smith is putting in the hours to prevent UCP unrest

A matter of time: Danielle Smith is putting in the hours to prevent UCP unrest

A decade ago this com­ing spring, Ali­son Red­ford resigned as Alber­ta pre­mier,…

Danielle Smith would never accept Ottawa's oil emissions rules, no matter how flexible

Danielle Smith would never accept Ottawa's oil emissions rules, no matter how flexible

It might not have mat­tered for the Alber­ta gov­ern­men­t’s reac­tion that what the…

Danielle Smith to invoke Sovereignty Act on Ottawa power rules next week, say sources

Danielle Smith to invoke Sovereignty Act on Ottawa power rules next week, say sources

The Danielle Smith gov­ern­ment intends to put its Sov­er­eign­ty Act into action next…

Preston Manning's fiction made real in his Alberta pandemic report

Preston Manning's fiction made real in his Alberta pandemic report

Pre­ston Man­ning’s report on the gov­ern­men­t’s COVID response con­clud­ed that…

Danielle Smith's UCP base has big demands. She's wary of going quite that far

Danielle Smith's UCP base has big demands. She's wary of going quite that far

Alber­ta’s pre­mier leads a par­ty whose most active mem­bers almost unan­i­mous­ly…

Alberta UCP activists want 'control' of party board — but to do what with it, exactly?

Alberta UCP activists want 'control' of party board — but to do what with it, exactly?

David Park­er’s bespec­ta­cled eyes widened as the leader of Take Back Alber­ta told…

Danielle Smith's pension numbers suggest bumpy ride for contributors — with cushions removed

Danielle Smith's pension numbers suggest bumpy ride for contributors — with cushions removed

When Danielle Smith says Alber­tans would save $1,425 a year in an Alber­ta Pen­sion…

Danielle Smith's pension trifecta: Trudeau, Notley and Poilievre agree on something

Danielle Smith's pension trifecta: Trudeau, Notley and Poilievre agree on something

It’s not clear if Pierre Poilievre had already devised a posi­tion on Alber­ta’s…

Pension becomes another Alberta-Ottawa fight. But this time, Trudeau's on offence

Pension becomes another Alberta-Ottawa fight. But this time, Trudeau's on offence

Jim Din­ning, engage­ment pan­el chair: Thank you, Duane from Cam­rose. We appre­ci­ate…

Danielle Smith's big-money sales pitch on Alberta pension plan hasn't worked yet

Danielle Smith's big-money sales pitch on Alberta pension plan hasn't worked yet

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau can usu­al­ly only count on polite applause when he’s…