Jeremy Simes

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Jeremy Simes.

Canada Revenue Agency order to seize Saskatchewan money unusual, say experts

Canada Revenue Agency order to seize Saskatchewan money unusual, say experts

REGINA — Legal experts say the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has tak­en an extra­or­di­nary step…

Saskatchewan ends fiscal year with $182M surplus, below original forecast

Saskatchewan ends fiscal year with $182M surplus, below original forecast

REGINA — The Saskatchewan gov­ern­ment end­ed the last fis­cal year with a $182-mil­lion…

Royal Regina Rifles statue to be unveiled at Juno Beach to mark D-Day's 80th year

Royal Regina Rifles statue to be unveiled at Juno Beach to mark D-Day's 80th year

REGINA — A stat­ue depict­ing the Cana­di­ans who fought Nazi Ger­many 80 years…

Saskatchewan teachers and province back in talks, minister wants binding arbitration

Saskatchewan teachers and province back in talks, minister wants binding arbitration

REGINA — Saskatchewan teach­ers and the gov­ern­ment are head­ing back to bar­gain­ing,…

Saskatchewan cabinet minister says family helped jog memory of gun in legislature

Saskatchewan cabinet minister says family helped jog memory of gun in legislature

REGINA — A Saskatchewan cab­i­net min­is­ter who ini­tial­ly told the pre­mier he…

Saskatchewan MLA quits as house leader, says he took gun into legislature decade ago

Saskatchewan MLA quits as house leader, says he took gun into legislature decade ago

REGINA — One week after Saskatchewan Pre­mier Scott Moe pub­licly assured peo­ple there…

Saskatchewan legislature members prepare for fight over pronouns, Charter rights

Saskatchewan legislature members prepare for fight over pronouns, Charter rights

Saskatchewan politi­cians are head­ing back to leg­is­la­ture, prepar­ing for…