Jesse Cnockaert

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Jesse Cnockaert.

Privacy and AI bill needs ‘right balance,’ and to pass in time for next federal election, says Liberal MP Ryan Turnbull

Privacy and AI bill needs ‘right balance,’ and to pass in time for next federal election, says Liberal MP Ryan Turnbull

There is ​“a dire need with­in this Par­lia­ment” for com­pre­hen­sive leg­is­la­tion to…

Legislation related to affordability and housing top priorities in winter session, says Government House Leader MacKinnon

Legislation related to affordability and housing top priorities in winter session, says Government House Leader MacKinnon

With the Lib­er­als ​“at death’s door” in the polls, it will be crit­i­cal this win­ter…

‘Definitely tension in the House’ this session, with similar outlook for 2024, say MPs

‘Definitely tension in the House’ this session, with similar outlook for 2024, say MPs

A tense atmos­phere per­me­at­ed Parliament’s activ­i­ties between Sep­tem­ber and…