Joe Oliver

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Joe Oliver.

The walls are closing in on Justin Trudeau

The walls are closing in on Justin Trudeau

Among the myr­i­ad prob­lems Justin Trudeau is con­fronting, two have an imme­di­a­cy…

Bad policies, not poor messaging, will sink the Liberals

Bad policies, not poor messaging, will sink the Liberals

Last week, colum­nist Kim­ber­ley Strassel wrote in the Wall Street Jour­nal that the…

The shameful disinformation campaign behind the Biden debacle

The shameful disinformation campaign behind the Biden debacle

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s debate deba­cle laid bare a dis­grace­ful will­ing­ness to…

A principled Canada would protect its Jews

A principled Canada would protect its Jews

Anti­semitism has imposed a per­va­sive and per­ni­cious dou­ble stan­dard on the…

Liberals underestimate Pierre Poilievre at their peril

Liberals underestimate Pierre Poilievre at their peril

In a much-remarked-on recent col­umn — ​“The case for Trump — by some­one who wants…

2024 could be a pivotal year, politically, economically and culturally

2024 could be a pivotal year, politically, economically and culturally

The year just begin­ning could be a water­shed, with turn­ing points in pol­i­tics,…

Once unthinkable, discrimination against Jews now a given on campus

Once unthinkable, discrimination against Jews now a given on campus

The appalling Con­gres­sion­al tes­ti­mo­ny from the pres­i­dents of three elite U.S.…