Josh Pringle

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Josh Pringle.

Ottawa Coun. Matthew Luloff charged with impaired driving

Ottawa Coun. Matthew Luloff charged with impaired driving

Ottawa Coun. Matthew Luloff is fac­ing a charge of impaired dri­ving, accord­ing to…

Feds cutting 5,000 public service jobs, looking to turn underused buildings into housing

Feds cutting 5,000 public service jobs, looking to turn underused buildings into housing

Five thou­sand pub­lic ser­vice jobs will be cut over the next four years, while…

One dead, one missing after teens fall through the ice on the Rideau River in Ottawa

One dead, one missing after teens fall through the ice on the Rideau River in Ottawa

Ottawa police say one youth is dead and the search con­tin­ues for a sec­ond after…