Judy Trinh

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Judy Trinh.

Justin Trudeau championed free trade in Southeast Asia, but he may get ousted before his efforts pay off

Justin Trudeau championed free trade in Southeast Asia, but he may get ousted before his efforts pay off

In the last hours of his first vis­it to Laos, the prime min­is­ter watched two…

EV prices need to drop by one third if Canada wants to hit sales targets, says gov't report

EV prices need to drop by one third if Canada wants to hit sales targets, says gov't report

Unless poli­cies or tech­nolo­gies change, the cost of elec­tric vehi­cles (EVs) needs to…

Premiers push federal government to accelerate NATO defence spending

Premiers push federal government to accelerate NATO defence spending

Pre­miers are urg­ing the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to move up its NATO com­mit­ment to…

Canada says it expects to spend 2% of GDP on defence by 2032, but no specific details provided

Canada says it expects to spend 2% of GDP on defence by 2032, but no specific details provided

Cana­da says it expects to reach its NATO com­mit­ment to spend two per cent of its GDP…

Canada to announce plan to reach NATO target, spend 2% of GDP on defence: sources

Canada to announce plan to reach NATO target, spend 2% of GDP on defence: sources

After fac­ing months of pres­sure, senior gov­ern­ment sources tell CTV News that Cana­da…

Canada's defence spending is 'shameful,' says U.S. speaker, falling at bottom of the pack at NATO

Canada's defence spending is 'shameful,' says U.S. speaker, falling at bottom of the pack at NATO

Since arriv­ing in Wash­ing­ton, D.C. ear­li­er this week, Prime Min­is­ter Justin…

Trade is Trudeau's focus at NATO summit in Washington

Trade is Trudeau's focus at NATO summit in Washington

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is in Wash­ing­ton, D.C. to mark the 75th anniver­sary of…

Why are Trudeau and Singh avoiding Stampede this year?

Why are Trudeau and Singh avoiding Stampede this year?

More than a mil­lion peo­ple are expect­ed to vis­it the Cal­gary Stam­pede mak­ing…

Conservative surge combined with ballot confusion could crack a Liberal stronghold in Toronto byelection

Conservative surge combined with ballot confusion could crack a Liberal stronghold in Toronto byelection

Grow­ing polit­i­cal dis­con­tent in a Lib­er­al strong­hold could lead to…

Lack of detention space could force CBSA to release detainees, internal memo warns

Lack of detention space could force CBSA to release detainees, internal memo warns

The Cana­da Bor­der Ser­vices Agency is scram­bling to find space to hold high-risk…

Exclusive: Former Mountie William Majcher, accused of being an agent for China, says he's a 'patriot not a traitor'

Exclusive: Former Mountie William Majcher, accused of being an agent for China, says he's a 'patriot not a traitor'

For­mer Moun­tie William Majch­er has made a career out of decep­tion and danc­ing…

Top-secret national security data behind precedent-setting Canadian spy trial

Top-secret national security data behind precedent-setting Canadian spy trial

The tri­al of Cameron Ortis, a for­mer senior RCMP intel­li­gence offi­cial accused…