Justin Ling

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Justin Ling.

Thank goodness Donald Trump survived. Now let’s get back to defending democracy

Thank goodness Donald Trump survived. Now let’s get back to defending democracy

Last year, far-right broad­cast­er Tuck­er Carl­son asked Don­ald Trump an unnerv­ing…

Queer rights are in danger in Canada. Pierre Poilievre owns some of the blame

Queer rights are in danger in Canada. Pierre Poilievre owns some of the blame

For years, Ipsos has been ask­ing indi­vid­u­als around the world for their opin­ions on…

I know the inside story of the Liberal revolt against Justin Trudeau. How? I overheard it in a train station

I know the inside story of the Liberal revolt against Justin Trudeau. How? I overheard it in a train station

Steven Guil­beault has been tak­ing the tem­per­a­ture of the Lib­er­al Par­ty cau­cus as…

Justin Trudeau is getting crushed by a mess of his own making

Justin Trudeau is getting crushed by a mess of his own making

When vot­ers stepped into polling booths across mid­town Toron­to Mon­day, they were…

“It’s bull——:” How Ottawa insiders really feel about Justin Trudeau’s handling of the foreign interference probe

“It’s bull——:” How Ottawa insiders really feel about Justin Trudeau’s handling of the foreign interference probe

Eighty years ago, cipher clerk Igor Gouzenko walked out of the Sovi­et embassy in Ottawa…

We were too quick to reject the ‘lab leaks’ theory. But we shouldn’t be quick to embrace it, either

We were too quick to reject the ‘lab leaks’ theory. But we shouldn’t be quick to embrace it, either

Sci­en­tists didn’t crack the who­dun­nit quick­ly. For years they didn’t know where the…

I asked Justin Trudeau’s Liberals why they broke a promise to ban three controversial police practices. Their answer says a lot

I asked Justin Trudeau’s Liberals why they broke a promise to ban three controversial police practices. Their answer says a lot

In 2021, Justin Trudeau’s Lib­er­al Par­ty, des­per­ate­ly cling­ing to a minor­i­ty…

Here’s what I learned from my conversation with Justin Trudeau: There’s only one way to fix Canada and everyone is going to hate it

Here’s what I learned from my conversation with Justin Trudeau: There’s only one way to fix Canada and everyone is going to hate it

I was not a big believ­er in re-open­ing the con­sti­tu­tion, until Prime Min­is­ter…

Justin Trudeau’s Last Stand

Justin Trudeau’s Last Stand

In an exclu­sive inter­view, a con­fi­dent prime min­is­ter address­es his doubters.…