Kady O'Malley

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Kady O'Malley.

Could an opposition-backed call to turn over docs to the RCMP make it harder for the auditor general to do her job?

Could an opposition-backed call to turn over docs to the RCMP make it harder for the auditor general to do her job?

It was billed by its back­ers as a show of par­lia­men­tary force in…

Fine print of the NSICOP foreign interference report suggests ‘naming names’ could be trickier than it sounds

Fine print of the NSICOP foreign interference report suggests ‘naming names’ could be trickier than it sounds

It’s been just over a week since the Nation­al Secu­ri­ty and Intel­li­gence…

MPs have ordered a key ArriveCAN contractor to appear before the House of Commons next week. What happens now?

MPs have ordered a key ArriveCAN contractor to appear before the House of Commons next week. What happens now?

It may have been over­shad­owed by the two-and-a-half min­utes of twi­light that briefly…

Latest pitch to overhaul election laws could make it harder to keep tabs on the party fundraising circuit

Latest pitch to overhaul election laws could make it harder to keep tabs on the party fundraising circuit

Heads up to any­one with a pen­chant for track­ing the par­ty fundrais­ing cir­cuit:…

Process Nerd: What happens to the ArriveCAN committee probe(s) now?

Process Nerd: What happens to the ArriveCAN committee probe(s) now?

As has been not­ed on more than one occa­sion in this cor­ner, a lot can hap­pen in…

What’s next for the Senate-amended farm fuel bill and two other backbench battles to watch

What’s next for the Senate-amended farm fuel bill and two other backbench battles to watch

“A very unique and, per­haps, tor­tu­ous process.” While con­ced­ing that he’s hard­ly an…

By the numbers: How MPs ran out the clock on the now-wrapped fall sitting

By the numbers: How MPs ran out the clock on the now-wrapped fall sitting

“There is no unan­i­mous con­sent. We are going out in style for Christ­mas.” So not­ed…

Can the Conservatives really keep the House of Commons sitting until Christmas?

Can the Conservatives really keep the House of Commons sitting until Christmas?

Before div­ing into the ques­tion posed by the head­line — spoil­er alert for the…

What’s going on with the (latest) privilege complaint against the speaker?

What’s going on with the (latest) privilege complaint against the speaker?

Gaz­ing out at his fel­low MPs from his front row seat at the front of the cham­ber on…

What happens when a backbench proposal shows up in a government bill?

What happens when a backbench proposal shows up in a government bill?

Last week, Process Nerd took a clos­er look at the par­lia­men­tary fine print last…