Katie Dangerfield

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Katie Dangerfield.

Canada ‘blindsided’ by new U.S. border rules on dogs, Holland says

Canada ‘blindsided’ by new U.S. border rules on dogs, Holland says

As Cana­di­ans pre­pare for new rules around dogs cross­ing the bor­der com­ing into…

Would you cross the border for health care? 42% Canadians say yes in poll

Would you cross the border for health care? 42% Canadians say yes in poll

Amid Canada’s ongo­ing bat­tle with pro­longed emer­gency room wait times and staffing…

‘No way’ Canada will allow U.S. to endanger domestic drug supply: Holland

‘No way’ Canada will allow U.S. to endanger domestic drug supply: Holland

Health Min­is­ter Mark Hol­land reit­er­at­ed on Wednes­day that there is ​“no way”…

Canada issues warning as Florida plan to import drugs raises fears

Canada issues warning as Florida plan to import drugs raises fears

Health Cana­da on Mon­day empha­sized its com­mit­ment to tak­ing swift action to…

Rising costs causing ‘inflation isolation’ among Canadians, poll finds

Rising costs causing ‘inflation isolation’ among Canadians, poll finds

In the wake of high infla­tion, Cana­di­ans find them­selves fac­ing a twofold…