Kelly Cryderman

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Kelly Cryderman.

The equalization system may be headed for a reckoning

The equalization system may be headed for a reckoning

In a coun­try where Saskatchewan refus­es to col­lect car­bon tax­es for home…

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau isn’t at Stampede, but everyone else is

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau isn’t at Stampede, but everyone else is

There is a tri­umphant mood in this burst­ing-at-the-seams Stam­pede city. The…

Naheed Nenshi wants to reshape the NDP’s role in Alberta

Naheed Nenshi wants to reshape the NDP’s role in Alberta

Naheed Nen­shi gets a lot of applause from Alber­ta NDP audi­ences these days.…

The UCP has ensured Alberta’s new ethics commissioner will never be seen as independent

The UCP has ensured Alberta’s new ethics commissioner will never be seen as independent

It’s clear that Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith feels the wind is at her back. This is…

Hello, Saskatchewan? It’s the CRA calling

Hello, Saskatchewan? It’s the CRA calling

There was a time, just ear­li­er this year, when Pre­mier Scott Moe’s gov­ern­ment…

Danielle Smith launches what could be her biggest broadside yet at Ottawa

Danielle Smith launches what could be her biggest broadside yet at Ottawa

Danielle Smith has long promised to be the most com­bat­ive of Pre­miers. She has lived…

Justin Trudeau owes the Premiers a meeting

Justin Trudeau owes the Premiers a meeting

One of the best things Justin Trudeau could do to show how wrong the pre­miers are on…

If the Trudeau Liberals are annihilated in an election, it will be over housing

If the Trudeau Liberals are annihilated in an election, it will be over housing

Ontario Pre­mier Doug Ford says the fed­er­al Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment will be…

Naheed Nenshi’s entry into the NDP race is a jolt for Alberta politics

Naheed Nenshi’s entry into the NDP race is a jolt for Alberta politics

After weeks of spec­u­la­tion, Naheed Nen­shi has today offi­cial­ly entered the race to…

Saskatchewan’s fight against Ottawa pits lawlessness against intransigence

Saskatchewan’s fight against Ottawa pits lawlessness against intransigence

Saskatchewan is break­ing the law. Ottawa is dig­ging in. And instead of months of…

Alberta’s knee-jerk reaction to pharmacare puts its residents at a disadvantage

Alberta’s knee-jerk reaction to pharmacare puts its residents at a disadvantage

Alber­ta Health Min­is­ter Adri­ana LaGrange isn’t total­ly wrong when she says the…

These days, Canada’s politics are defined by doom and gloom

These days, Canada’s politics are defined by doom and gloom

There’s no imme­di­ate fed­er­al elec­tion on the hori­zon in Cana­da, but it feels like…

Danielle Smith breaks pledged tax cut while promising the moon for Alberta’s Heritage Fund

Danielle Smith breaks pledged tax cut while promising the moon for Alberta’s Heritage Fund

Alber­ta, Danielle Smith has just announced, has one last shot at get­ting it right. And…

The NDP’s effort to ban the promotion of Big Oil misses the mark

The NDP’s effort to ban the promotion of Big Oil misses the mark

Char­lie Angus might mean well. But the premise of the NDP MP’s pri­vate member’s bill –…

Can Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek outrun her terrible polling?

Can Calgary Mayor Jyoti Gondek outrun her terrible polling?

The recall peti­tion com­ing for Cal­gary May­or Jyoti Gondek has a snowball’s…

The power of fossil fuel is enough to turn any progressive politician into a hypocrite

The power of fossil fuel is enough to turn any progressive politician into a hypocrite

There’s a long list of wor­ries about what a sec­ond term for Don­ald Trump…

Danielle Smith needs to own the imported-medicine mistake

Danielle Smith needs to own the imported-medicine mistake

In the fall of 2022, phar­ma­cy shelves were emp­ty, res­pi­ra­to­ry dis­ease cas­es were…

The provinces need to play ball with each other on electricity

The provinces need to play ball with each other on electricity

When the U.K.’s Ener­gy Effi­cien­cy and Green Finance Min­is­ter came to Cana­da on…

Ottawa has itself to blame for Saskatchewan’s outlawish threats

Ottawa has itself to blame for Saskatchewan’s outlawish threats

Dustin Dun­can has retained a per­son­al lawyer for the first time in his near­ly…

Danielle Smith won’t let old resentments be forgot

Danielle Smith won’t let old resentments be forgot

For a Pre­mier who has said she wants the pan­dem­ic to be in the rear-view mir­ror,…

Bring on the standardized housing catalogue – we desperately need it

Bring on the standardized housing catalogue – we desperately need it

Fac­ing polit­i­cal head­winds that could end their time in gov­ern­ment – but not dead…

Canadians aren’t crazy to think that carbon pricing is hurting their pocketbooks

Canadians aren’t crazy to think that carbon pricing is hurting their pocketbooks

The Prime Min­is­ter told The Cana­di­an Press that the Con­ser­v­a­tives have unfair­ly…

Danielle Smith isn’t all wrong on the Liberals’ clean electricity regulations

Danielle Smith isn’t all wrong on the Liberals’ clean electricity regulations

One deeply flawed fed­er­al pol­i­cy on elec­tric­i­ty was met this week by the nuclear…

In Alberta, what’s old is new again on health care reform

In Alberta, what’s old is new again on health care reform

All pol­i­tics moves in a grand cir­cle, appar­ent­ly. The per­son Alber­tans were…

On housing affordability, the Liberals stick with the low-hanging fruit

On housing affordability, the Liberals stick with the low-hanging fruit

The fed­er­al Lib­er­als took anoth­er stab at help­ing on hous­ing in the fall…