Kyle Bakx

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Kyle Bakx.

Privatization? Foreign investment? Canadian airports face an overhaul of their business model

Privatization? Foreign investment? Canadian airports face an overhaul of their business model

When West­Jet’s CEO open­ly crit­i­cized the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment recent­ly for hik­ing…

For its next trick, Ottawa must unload the $34B Trans Mountain pipeline. It won't be easy

For its next trick, Ottawa must unload the $34B Trans Mountain pipeline. It won't be easy

In her bud­get speech to the House of Com­mons on Tues­day, Finance Min­is­ter Chrys­tia…

Fate of giant carbon capture project still uncertain, but Pathways Alliance hopeful for deal with feds

Fate of giant carbon capture project still uncertain, but Pathways Alliance hopeful for deal with feds

Despite grow­ing frus­tra­tions and pro­longed nego­ti­a­tions with the fed­er­al…

No water, no oil: How the parched western provinces could hamper the oilpatch

No water, no oil: How the parched western provinces could hamper the oilpatch

Per­sis­tent and severe drought con­di­tions across West­ern Cana­da could have…

$34B Trans Mountain expansion pipeline begins filling with oil with first shipments before Canada Day

$34B Trans Mountain expansion pipeline begins filling with oil with first shipments before Canada Day

The odyssey of devel­op­ing and build­ing the Trans Moun­tain expan­sion project in…

The cars, the chargers or the customers? A look at what's behind cooling EV sales growth

The cars, the chargers or the customers? A look at what's behind cooling EV sales growth

Sev­er­al automak­ers are pulling back on plans to expand the amount of elec­tric…

Alberta gives cold shoulder to wind and solar industry, as the rest of the world is clamouring for more

Alberta gives cold shoulder to wind and solar industry, as the rest of the world is clamouring for more

The Alber­ta gov­ern­men­t’s sev­en-month ban on new large-scale wind and solar pow­er…

Deficit or surplus? Alberta budget on 'knife's edge' amid sluggish oil prices

Deficit or surplus? Alberta budget on 'knife's edge' amid sluggish oil prices

Slump­ing oil prices are bring­ing some relief for dri­vers fill­ing up their gas tanks…

2024 is the year the world could reach peak coal use. But it's a tough habit to quit

2024 is the year the world could reach peak coal use. But it's a tough habit to quit

With the COP28 cli­mate sum­mit now in the rearview mir­ror, some researchers say the…

COP28 reaches groundbreaking climate deal in Dubai calling for 'transitioning away from fossil fuels'

COP28 reaches groundbreaking climate deal in Dubai calling for 'transitioning away from fossil fuels'

After nego­tia­tors worked through the night, a new deal has been reached at COP28…

We should have been here 10 years ago, says Big Oil at COP28

We should have been here 10 years ago, says Big Oil at COP28

As the cur­tains are set to close on COP28, the oil and gas indus­try remains firm­ly in…

Alberta given 'Fossil of the Day' award by activists at global climate summit

Alberta given 'Fossil of the Day' award by activists at global climate summit

Envi­ron­men­tal activists put a spot­light on Alber­ta’s cli­mate record on…

Stricter oilpatch methane rules unveiled by federal government

Stricter oilpatch methane rules unveiled by federal government

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is unveil­ing stricter oil and gas indus­try reg­u­la­tions…

COP28 host used climate talks to push for oilpatch deals, including in Canada

COP28 host used climate talks to push for oilpatch deals, including in Canada

A few days before host­ing the UN cli­mate con­fer­ence, alle­ga­tions are being raised…