Larry Neumeister, The Associated Press

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Trump lawyers fight to overturn jury's finding that he sexually abused E. Jean Carroll

Trump lawyers fight to overturn jury's finding that he sexually abused E. Jean Carroll

NEW YORK (AP) — While Don­ald Trump cam­paigns for the pres­i­den­cy, his lawyers are…

Court revives Sarah Palin's libel lawsuit against The New York Times

Court revives Sarah Palin's libel lawsuit against The New York Times

NEW YORK (AP) — A fed­er­al appeals court revived Sarah Pal­in’s libel case against…

Jury finishes 2nd day of deliberations without a verdict at Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial

Jury finishes 2nd day of deliberations without a verdict at Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial

NEW YORK (AP) — A jury delib­er­at­ing over 18 charges at the bribery tri­al of Sen.…

Jury asks if unanimity required to acquit 'on a single count' at Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial

Jury asks if unanimity required to acquit 'on a single count' at Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial

NEW YORK (AP) — A jury delib­er­at­ing over 18 charges at the bribery tri­al of Sen.…

Second day of jury deliberations underway in Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial

Second day of jury deliberations underway in Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial

NEW YORK (AP) — Jury delib­er­a­tions resumed Mon­day in the bribery tri­al of Sen. Bob…

Second day of jury deliberations to start in Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial

Second day of jury deliberations to start in Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial

NEW YORK (AP) — Jury delib­er­a­tions are set to resume Mon­day in the bribery tri­al of…

Jury to begin deliberations Friday in bribery trial of New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez

Jury to begin deliberations Friday in bribery trial of New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez

NEW YORK (AP) — A New York City jury was told Thurs­day it will begin…

Sen. Bob Menendez's lawyer cites patriotism as a reason to acquit his client

Sen. Bob Menendez's lawyer cites patriotism as a reason to acquit his client

NEW YORK (AP) — Sen. Bob Menen­dez’s lawyer cit­ed patri­o­tism as a rea­son to…

Sen. Bob Menendez's lawyer tells jury that prosecutors' bribery case 'dies here today'

Sen. Bob Menendez's lawyer tells jury that prosecutors' bribery case 'dies here today'

NEW YORK (AP) — Sen. Bob Menen­dez’s lawyer tried to con­vince a New York jury…

Sen. Bob Menendez's lawyer tells jury in closing that prosecutors failed to prove a single charge

Sen. Bob Menendez's lawyer tells jury in closing that prosecutors failed to prove a single charge

NEW YORK (AP) — A lawyer for Sen. Bob Menen­dez on Tues­day urged jurors to acquit…

In closing, prosecutor says Sen. Bob Menendez's behavior in response to bribes was 'wildly abnormal'

In closing, prosecutor says Sen. Bob Menendez's behavior in response to bribes was 'wildly abnormal'

NEW YORK (AP) — A pros­e­cu­tor accused Sen. Bob Menen­dez on Tues­day of engag­ing…

Prosecutor tells New York City jury at bribery trial that Sen. Bob Menendez put power 'up for sale'

Prosecutor tells New York City jury at bribery trial that Sen. Bob Menendez put power 'up for sale'

NEW YORK (AP) — A pros­e­cu­tor accused Sen. Bob Menen­dez in a clos­ing…

Closing arguments set to begin at bribery trial of New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez

Closing arguments set to begin at bribery trial of New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez

NEW YORK (AP) — Clos­ing argu­ments are set to begin Mon­day at the bribery tri­al of New…

Prosecutors in Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial rest; Judge rejects defense request for acquittals

Prosecutors in Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial rest; Judge rejects defense request for acquittals

NEW YORK (AP) — Pros­e­cu­tors at the bribery tri­al of Sen. Bob Menen­dez rest­ed their…

Prosecutors in Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial are done presenting their case. The defense is next

Prosecutors in Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial are done presenting their case. The defense is next

NEW YORK (AP) — Pros­e­cu­tors at the bribery tri­al of Sen. Bob Menen­dez rest­ed on…

Prosecutors rest in seventh week of Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial

Prosecutors rest in seventh week of Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial

NEW YORK (AP) — Pros­e­cu­tors rest­ed on Fri­day after pre­sent­ing evi­dence for sev­en…

Gold bars and Sen. Bob Menendez's curiosity about their price takes central role at bribery trial

NEW YORK (AP) — Pros­e­cu­tors showed jurors at Sen. Bob Menen­dez ​‘s tri­al on…

New Jersey's top federal prosecutor testifies for government in Sen. Bob Menendez prosecution

NEW YORK (AP) — New Jer­sey’s top fed­er­al pros­e­cu­tor tes­ti­fied Wednes­day at Sen.…

New Jersey businessman testifies he promised up to $250,000 in bribes for Sen. Bob Menendez's help

New Jersey businessman testifies he promised up to $250,000 in bribes for Sen. Bob Menendez's help

NEW YORK (AP) — A New Jer­sey busi­ness­man took his star turn on the wit­ness stand…

New Jersey businessman cooperating with prosecutors testifies at Sen. Bob Menendez's bribery trial

NEW YORK (AP) — A New Jer­sey busi­ness­man who plead­ed guilty in the bribery case…

Sen. Bob Menendez's wife is excused from court after cancer surgery

NEW YORK (AP) — The wife of Sen. Bob Menen­dez was excused Wednes­day from appear­ing in…

At bribery trial, ex-US official casts Sen. Bob Menendez as a villain in Egyptian meat controversy

NEW YORK (AP) — A for­mer top U.S. agri­cul­tur­al offi­cial cast Sen. Bob Menen­dez…

Prosecutors build their case at bribery trial of Sen. Bob Menendez with emails and texts

NEW YORK (AP) — Pros­e­cu­tors were pre­sent­ing their bribery case against New Jer­sey…