Laura Osman

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Laura Osman.

Costs mounting as feds try to clear existing Phoenix backlog by March 2025

Costs mounting as feds try to clear existing Phoenix backlog by March 2025

OTTAWA — Ottawa expects to spend anoth­er $963 mil­lion to deal with the Phoenix pay…

In bid to win over dentists, Ottawa changes billing for dental-care plan

In bid to win over dentists, Ottawa changes billing for dental-care plan

OTTAWA — In a bid to win over den­tists who have been reluc­tant to join the…

Time crunch, rules mess could plague a Liberal leadership race

Time crunch, rules mess could plague a Liberal leadership race

Calls have inten­si­fied for Justin Trudeau to resign as head of the par­ty he almost…

Time crunch, rules mess could plague a Liberal leadership race

Time crunch, rules mess could plague a Liberal leadership race

OTTAWA — Calls have inten­si­fied for Justin Trudeau to resign as head of the par­ty he…

Conservatives take Liberal stronghold in last-minute Toronto byelection victory

Hours after Cana­di­ans went to bed dis­ap­point­ed by a Stan­ley Cup loss Mon­day…

Judge finds no documentation to support Global News reporting on Han Dong allegations

Judge finds no documentation to support Global News reporting on Han Dong allegations

OTTAWA — An Ontario Supe­ri­or Court judge has found no doc­u­ment­ed evi­dence to…

Health minister asks Senate to speed up so pharmacare can be launched by spring

Health minister asks Senate to speed up so pharmacare can be launched by spring

OTTAWA — The fed­er­al health min­is­ter has asked the Sen­ate to move as quick­ly as…

Health minister says he aims to launch national pharmacare program by next April

Health minister says he aims to launch national pharmacare program by next April

Health Min­is­ter Mark Hol­land says he hopes to launch a nation­al phar­ma­care…

Health minister says he aims to launch national pharmacare program by next April

Health minister says he aims to launch national pharmacare program by next April

Health Min­is­ter Mark Hol­land says he hopes to launch a nation­al phar­ma­care…

Children, people with disabilities to qualify for national dental care on June 27

Children, people with disabilities to qualify for national dental care on June 27

OTTAWA — The Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment says it will expand eli­gi­bil­i­ty for the fed­er­al…

Can Trump come to Canada now that he's a convicted felon?

Can Trump come to Canada now that he's a convicted felon?

OTTAWA — A Cana­di­an immi­gra­tion lawyer says now that Don­ald Trump is…

Holland defends new ministerial powers to pull products off the shelves

Holland defends new ministerial powers to pull products off the shelves

OTTAWA — The fed­er­al health min­is­ter needs new pow­ers to uni­lat­er­al­ly take…

Governments must disaster-proof Canada's hospitals against climate change: experts

Governments must disaster-proof Canada's hospitals against climate change: experts

OTTAWA — A wall of flames met David Matear when he final­ly stepped out­side of the…

‘Freedom Convoy’ trial evidence a Rorschach test for attitudes about protest: expert

‘Freedom Convoy’ trial evidence a Rorschach test for attitudes about protest: expert

The evi­dence put for­ward by the Crown and defence in the crim­i­nal tri­al of two…

'Extremely fluid': Liberals and NDP haven't yet agreed on promised pharmacare bill

'Extremely fluid': Liberals and NDP haven't yet agreed on promised pharmacare bill

OTTAWA — The fed­er­al New Democ­rats have reject­ed the first draft of the Lib­er­als’…