Les Whittington

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Les Whittington.

Era of sky-high interest rates coming to a close

Era of sky-high interest rates coming to a close

The long-await­ed shift toward low­er inter­est rates as set by Canada’s cen­tral bank…

Political disconnect leaving Liberals far behind

Political disconnect leaving Liberals far behind

I’m guess­ing no one can tell me off-hand how many pro­grams to sup­port Cana­di­ans, and…

Horrendous death of three women brings some action on gender-based violence, but there’s a long way to go The Ontario government has deeply disappointed anti-violence advocates by refusing to
The booming use of productivity-eroding stock buybacks will come under the microscope with new federal tax

The booming use of productivity-eroding stock buybacks will come under the microscope with new federal tax

Bank of Cana­da Senior Deputy Gov­er­nor Car­olyn Rogers set off anoth­er round of alarm…

Brian Mulroney: a centre-right, would-be unifier left behind in an era of divisive right-wing extremism

Brian Mulroney: a centre-right, would-be unifier left behind in an era of divisive right-wing extremism

You have to won­der what, toward the end of his life, Bri­an Mul­roney thought about the…

As Canada enters its fifth year of COVID and its aftermath, will the economic and political turmoil finally begin to recede?

As Canada enters its fifth year of COVID and its aftermath, will the economic and political turmoil finally begin to recede?

It seems long COVID can be a polit­i­cal thing, too. Head­ing into a year that…

Time for unaligned nations to take a stand on outright militant incursions

Time for unaligned nations to take a stand on outright militant incursions

Large-scale mil­i­tary incur­sions or polit­i­cal­ly moti­vat­ed attacks were sub­ject,…

Right-wing rage-farming attacks on LGBTQ kids not a worthwhile import

Right-wing rage-farming attacks on LGBTQ kids not a worthwhile import

At least it’s not as bad as Texas, where local gov­ern­ments are try­ing to fig­ure out…