Lisa Johnson

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Lisa Johnson.

Alberta Premier says ministers, staff accepting playoff hockey tickets onside

Alberta Premier says ministers, staff accepting playoff hockey tickets onside

EDMONTON — Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith says she does­n’t think her cab­i­net…

Alberta law society clears former cabinet minister Tyler Shandro of misconduct

Alberta law society clears former cabinet minister Tyler Shandro of misconduct

EDMONTON — The Law Soci­ety of Alber­ta has cleared Tyler Shan­dro of pro­fes­sion­al…

Report reveals low-income Albertans falling through cracks of health benefits program

Report reveals low-income Albertans falling through cracks of health benefits program

EDMONTON — Alber­ta’s ombuds­man says thou­sands of low-income res­i­dents seek­ing…

Danielle Smith dons apron for her second premier's Stampede breakfast

Danielle Smith dons apron for her second premier's Stampede breakfast

CALGARY — Throngs of peo­ple joined line­ups to be served pan­cakes Mon­day by Alber­ta…

Calgary Mayor lauds work of residents, city, during 'horrible' water crisis

Calgary Mayor lauds work of residents, city, during 'horrible' water crisis

CALGARY — May­or Jyoti Gondek has faced a bar­rage of crit­i­cism as she guid­ed…

'Saddled up': Calgarians put water crisis aside for fun at Stampede

'Saddled up': Calgarians put water crisis aside for fun at Stampede

CALGARY — Cal­gary res­i­dents took a break from their water woes Fri­day, lin­ing…

Calgarians put water crisis aside for fun at Stampede

Calgarians put water crisis aside for fun at Stampede

CALGARY — Cal­gary res­i­dents took some relief from their water woes Fri­day, lin­ing up…

Alberta town in health crisis must pay to keep clinic open as doctor roster dwindles

Alberta town in health crisis must pay to keep clinic open as doctor roster dwindles

EDMONTON — In Hin­ton, Alta., an indus­tri­al town in the shad­ows of the Rock­ies,…

'Politics in full sentences:' Nenshi returns to public life as leader of Alberta NDP

'Politics in full sentences:' Nenshi returns to public life as leader of Alberta NDP

CALGARY — Before he launched a cam­paign that would see him take over as leader of…

'It was worth it': Former Alberta premier Rachel Notley bids farewell as NDP leader

'It was worth it': Former Alberta premier Rachel Notley bids farewell as NDP leader

CALGARY — Alber­ta NDP Leader Rachel Not­ley has for­mal­ly bid good­bye to the par­ty…

Rachel Notley leaving behind an Alberta NDP that's still ready to run

Rachel Notley leaving behind an Alberta NDP that's still ready to run

EDMONTON — Cheryl Oates learned that she need­ed to lace up a good pair of run­ning…

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith taking over fight of energy 'war room'

Alberta Premier Danielle Smith taking over fight of energy 'war room'

EDMONTON — Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith says she’s bring­ing the province’s ener­gy…

Alberta's energy 'war room,' known for Bigfoot movie feud, getting brought in-house

Alberta's energy 'war room,' known for Bigfoot movie feud, getting brought in-house

EDMONTON — Alber­ta’s ener­gy ​“war room” — the oft-ridiculed agency famous for its feud…

Senior Alberta NDP legislature member Shannon Phillips to resign seat

Senior Alberta NDP legislature member Shannon Phillips to resign seat

EDMONTON — Shan­non Phillips, a mem­ber of the Alber­ta’s Oppo­si­tion NDP and…

Alberta premier, 2-0 on hockey bets, pitches Stanley Cup bet with Florida governor

Alberta premier, 2-0 on hockey bets, pitches Stanley Cup bet with Florida governor

EDMONTON — Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith is look­ing to extend her win­ning streak as…

Alberta UCP wraps spring legislature sitting marred by accusations of overreach

Alberta UCP wraps spring legislature sitting marred by accusations of overreach

EDMONTON — Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith’s gov­ern­ment capped off the spring…

Alberta to wrap spring legislature sitting marred by accusations of overreach

Alberta to wrap spring legislature sitting marred by accusations of overreach

EDMONTON — Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith’s gov­ern­ment was set Wednes­day to cap off…

Alberta hears mixing patients at long-term care facilities leading to violence

Alberta hears mixing patients at long-term care facilities leading to violence

EDMONTON — The Alber­ta gov­ern­ment is fac­ing calls to stop admit­ting com­plex men­tal…

Frustrated rural municipalities say Alberta bill still gives province unchecked power

Frustrated rural municipalities say Alberta bill still gives province unchecked power

EDMONTON — The orga­ni­za­tion that speaks for Alber­ta’s rur­al munic­i­pal­i­ties says…