Luke LeBrun

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Luke LeBrun.

‘Massive Conflict of Interest’: Opposition Parties Say LCBO President Should Resign, Face Investigation Over Role With Big Business Lobby Group

‘Massive Conflict of Interest’: Opposition Parties Say LCBO President Should Resign, Face Investigation Over Role With Big Business Lobby Group

Ontario’s oppo­si­tion par­ties are call­ing for the LCBO’s Pres­i­dent to resign and…

Europe is in the middle of a ‘greenlash.’ If Canada doesn’t put workers first in its green transition, we could be next

Europe is in the middle of a ‘greenlash.’ If Canada doesn’t put workers first in its green transition, we could be next

Sev­en in 10 Cana­di­ans say they’re wor­ried about cli­mate change, so you might think…

Pierre Poilievre Meets with Far-Right Extremist Group at Nova Scotia-New Brunswick Border

Pierre Poilievre Meets with Far-Right Extremist Group at Nova Scotia-New Brunswick Border

Canada’s leader of the offi­cial oppo­si­tion pulled over on the side of a high­way…

Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Insists Pierre Poilievre is ‘Saying The Same Things as Me’

Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Insists Pierre Poilievre is ‘Saying The Same Things as Me’

Amer­i­can far-right con­spir­a­cy the­o­rist Alex Jones is dou­bling-down on his recent…

Conservative MP Says He Trusts Porn Companies Won’t Leak Digital IDs of Canadians Who Visit Porn Websites

Conservative MP Says He Trusts Porn Companies Won’t Leak Digital IDs of Canadians Who Visit Porn Websites

One of Pierre Poilievre’s Con­ser­v­a­tive MPs says Cana­di­ans who vis­it porn web­sites…

Conservative MP Helped Draft Text of Conspiratorial United Nations Petition, Author of Petition Says

Conservative MP Helped Draft Text of Conspiratorial United Nations Petition, Author of Petition Says

Man behind Leslyn Lewis’ peti­tion believes UN wants to enslave human­i­ty and mod­i­fy…

How Canada’s Right-Wing Pivoted From COVID-19 Conspiracies to Conspiracies About Gender in 2023

How Canada’s Right-Wing Pivoted From COVID-19 Conspiracies to Conspiracies About Gender in 2023

Canada’s far-right began 2023 wan­der­ing aim­less­ly in the freez­ing cold. Fol­low­ing…

‘Save the Children Convoy’ Says Conservative MP Invited Them Into House of Commons as ‘VIP’ Guests

‘Save the Children Convoy’ Says Conservative MP Invited Them Into House of Commons as ‘VIP’ Guests

Mem­bers of the con­tro­ver­sial ​“Save the Chil­dren Con­voy” say they were invit­ed…