Lyndsay Armstrong

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Lyndsay Armstrong.

From school boards to dog adoption, N.S. Tories have pulled back from 2021 promises

From school boards to dog adoption, N.S. Tories have pulled back from 2021 promises

HALIFAX — Cam­paign promis­es to fund men­tal health care, rein­state pub­lic school…

B.C. premier wants to support N.L.'s plan to sue Ottawa over equalization program

B.C. premier wants to support N.L.'s plan to sue Ottawa over equalization program

HALIFAX — British Columbi­a’s pre­mier says he wants to sup­port New­found­land and…

New designated encampment sites for Halifax homeless 'completely nuts,' premier says

New designated encampment sites for Halifax homeless 'completely nuts,' premier says

HALIFAX — Hal­i­fax coun­cil’s deci­sion to choose recre­ation grounds in the heart of…

New bar looking to end LGBTQ+ nightlife drought in Atlantic Canada's biggest city

New bar looking to end LGBTQ+ nightlife drought in Atlantic Canada's biggest city

HALIFAX — As a clos­et­ed gay teenag­er walk­ing through down­town Hal­i­fax in the…