Marco Vigliotti

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Marco Vigliotti.

Trudeau schedules Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection for June 24

Trudeau schedules Toronto-St. Paul’s byelection for June 24

Vot­ers in a Toron­to rid­ing that has become a Lib­er­al strong­hold are…

O’Regan asks labour board if some rail shipments should flow in event of strike or lockout

O’Regan asks labour board if some rail shipments should flow in event of strike or lockout

Labour Min­is­ter Sea­mus O’Regan has asked the fed­er­al labour board to exam­ine…

Honda to announce new plant in Niagara Region: sources

Honda to announce new plant in Niagara Region: sources

Hon­da is mak­ing anoth­er splash in the Cana­di­an mar­ket. The glob­al automak­er is…

Nextstar giving work promised to Canadians to foreign workers at Windsor battery plant: CBTU

Nextstar giving work promised to Canadians to foreign workers at Windsor battery plant: CBTU

The cor­po­rate con­glom­er­ate build­ing an elec­tric bat­tery plant in Wind­sor that is…

O’Regan to name Vincent Ready to lead next phase of ports labour review: sources

O’Regan to name Vincent Ready to lead next phase of ports labour review: sources

The Lib­er­als have found their man to lead the sec­ond phase of the ports labour review.…

Budget 2024: Liberals outline plan to build 250,000 new homes on public lands

Budget 2024: Liberals outline plan to build 250,000 new homes on public lands

The 2024 fed­er­al bud­get includes a new strat­e­gy to free up pub­lic land for…

Liberals in talks with NDP on Gaza ceasefire motion: sources

Liberals in talks with NDP on Gaza ceasefire motion: sources

The Lib­er­als held talks with the NDP on the latter’s Gaza cease­fire motion — which…

Shafqat Ali becomes second Liberal MP to voice support for NDP’s Gaza ceasefire motion

Shafqat Ali becomes second Liberal MP to voice support for NDP’s Gaza ceasefire motion

A sec­ond Lib­er­al MP has indi­cat­ed sup­port for an NDP motion call­ing for…

Liberals move motion to end ‘filibuster’ on sustainable jobs bill

Liberals move motion to end ‘filibuster’ on sustainable jobs bill

The Lib­er­als are mov­ing a motion aimed at end­ing what they’ve termed as…