Mario Canseco

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Mario Canseco.

NDP First, Conservatives Rise, United Plummets in British Columbia

NDP First, Conservatives Rise, United Plummets in British Columbia

Just over a third of British Columbians who vot­ed for the BC Lib­er­als in 2020 are…

Conservatives Maintain Double-Digit Advantage in Canada

Conservatives Maintain Double-Digit Advantage in Canada

Sup­port for the Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty remains sta­ble and supe­ri­or to that of all…

Canadians Like Pharmacare Deal, Have High Hopes on Scope

Canadians Like Pharmacare Deal, Have High Hopes on Scope

Two thirds of Cana­di­ans appear sat­is­fied with a recent announce­ment relat­ed to…

Canadians Assess How Federal Politicians Are Elected

Canadians Assess How Federal Politicians Are Elected

More than three-in-five Cana­di­ans have no qualms about the elec­toral sys­tem used in…

Conservatives Second, BC NDP Stays Ahead in British Columbia

Conservatives Second, BC NDP Stays Ahead in British Columbia

Only 41% of BC Lib­er­al vot­ers in 2020 say they would cast a bal­lot for BC…

Positive Perceptions of National Economy Decline in Canada

Positive Perceptions of National Economy Decline in Canada

More Cana­di­ans trust Pierre Poilievre to do the right thing to help the econ­o­my (42%)…

Canadian Social Media Users Report a Worsening Experience

Canadian Social Media Users Report a Worsening Experience

More than a third encoun­tered ​“fake news” and more than one-in-four found racist…

BC Conservatives’ swift ascent stands in stark contrast to United’s 2023 stumbles, says polling

BC Conservatives’ swift ascent stands in stark contrast to United’s 2023 stumbles, says polling

In the ear­ly 1990s, a clear­ly exas­per­at­ed Bri­an Mul­roney spoke to Peter C.…

Canadians Willing to Explore Trade Beyond the United States

Canadians Willing to Explore Trade Beyond the United States

While Cana­di­ans over­whelm­ing­ly regard the Unit­ed States as the country’s most…

Almost Half of Canadians Keep Tight Holiday Season Budget

Almost Half of Canadians Keep Tight Holiday Season Budget

Egg nog remains a favourite bev­er­age in every Cana­di­an region, with the…

Conservatives Close 2023 With 14-Point Lead in Canadian Politics

Conservatives Close 2023 With 14-Point Lead in Canadian Politics

The oppo­si­tion Con­ser­v­a­tive Par­ty has extend­ed its advan­tage in Canada’s…

Liberal-NDP Merger Would Not Hurt Conservatives in Canada

Liberal-NDP Merger Would Not Hurt Conservatives in Canada

A merged polit­i­cal orga­ni­za­tion encom­pass­ing the Lib­er­al Par­ty and the New…