Mark Gollom

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Mark Gollom.

Ottawa is spending $1.7M for 10 new jobs at a pasta plant. Are these corporate subsidies worth it?

Ottawa is spending $1.7M for 10 new jobs at a pasta plant. Are these corporate subsidies worth it?

Feds and Ontario also dol­ing out $5B for 1,000 EV plant-relat­ed jobs, or $5M per job.…

YouTube blocks access to Fifth Estate story on killing of B.C. Sikh activist at demand of India

YouTube blocks access to Fifth Estate story on killing of B.C. Sikh activist at demand of India

YouTube is block­ing access in India to a sto­ry by CBC’s The Fifth Estate on the…

Extortions threatening South Asian businesses with shootings and arsons are linked, police say

Extortions threatening South Asian businesses with shootings and arsons are linked, police say

Last Decem­ber, two part­ners at an Ontario car deal­er­ship received…

Former head of military HR, accused of sexual assault, goes on trial today

Former head of military HR, accused of sexual assault, goes on trial today

The sex­u­al assault tri­al of retired vice-admi­ral Haydn Edmund­son, the mil­i­tary’s…

Pro-Palestinian, pro-Israeli rallies held across Canada as war continues

Pro-Palestinian, pro-Israeli rallies held across Canada as war continues

More than a thou­sand peo­ple con­gre­gat­ed at Toron­to’s Nathan Phillips Square…