Martin Regg Cohn Political Columnist

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Martin Regg Cohn Political Columnist.

Antisemitism is getting worse -- but Canadians are indifferent. What's going on?

Antisemitism is getting worse -- but Canadians are indifferent. What's going on?

Jews are dehu­man­ized in a dig­i­tal world that acts as a force mul­ti­pli­er…

Why are union members publicly challenging their leaders so often?

Why are union members publicly challenging their leaders so often?

The labour move­ment claimed vic­to­ry through much of the sum­mer, but there was…

A Liberal leadership hopeful has dropped out of the race. Here's why that's a big deal

A Liberal leadership hopeful has dropped out of the race. Here's why that's a big deal

Adil Shamji may no longer be a con­tender, but he’s bank­ing on pos­si­bly the most…

Attacking Doug Ford won't be enough to make a Liberal the next premier

Attacking Doug Ford won't be enough to make a Liberal the next premier

Vot­er turnout is a big­ger prob­lem for the Lib­er­als than the man who cur­rent­ly…

Doug Ford says Ontario is better off since he was elected. Who does he think he's kidding?

Doug Ford says Ontario is better off since he was elected. Who does he think he's kidding?

The Pro­gres­sive Con­ser­v­a­tives are bur­dened by the bag­gage of bro­ken promis­es…