Mary Clare Jalonick, The Associated Press

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Senate Republicans again block legislation to guarantee women's rights to IVF

Senate Republicans again block legislation to guarantee women's rights to IVF

WASHINGTON (AP) — Repub­li­cans have blocked for a sec­ond time this year…

Senate to vote again on IVF fertility protections in election-year push

Senate to vote again on IVF fertility protections in election-year push

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Sen­ate will vote for the sec­ond time this year on whether to…

Senate to vote again on IVF protections in election-year push

Senate to vote again on IVF protections in election-year push

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Sen­ate will vote for the sec­ond time this year on leg­is­la­tion…

In an attempt to reverse the Supreme Court's immunity decision, Schumer introduces the No Kings Act

In an attempt to reverse the Supreme Court's immunity decision, Schumer introduces the No Kings Act

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen­ate Major­i­ty Leader Chuck Schumer will intro­duce leg­is­la­tion…

The Senate is set to pass a bill designed to protect kids from dangerous online content

The Senate is set to pass a bill designed to protect kids from dangerous online content

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Sen­ate is expect­ed to pass leg­is­la­tion Tues­day that is…

Senate set to pass bill designed to protect kids from dangerous online content

Senate set to pass bill designed to protect kids from dangerous online content

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Sen­ate is expect­ed to pass leg­is­la­tion Tues­day that is…

Democrats on Capitol Hill express concerns about Biden in private but stay quiet in public

Democrats on Capitol Hill express concerns about Biden in private but stay quiet in public

WASHINGTON (AP) — After meet­ing for around two hours on Tues­day to dis­cuss whether…

Officers who defended the Capitol fight falsehoods about Jan. 6 and campaign for Joe Biden

Officers who defended the Capitol fight falsehoods about Jan. 6 and campaign for Joe Biden

WASHINGTON (AP) — For­mer Capi­tol Police Sgt. Aquili­no Gonell is most­ly recov­ered…

FACT FOCUS: Trump's misleading claims about the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol

FACT FOCUS: Trump's misleading claims about the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol

WASHINGTON (AP) — For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump said dur­ing his debate with…

Many Senate Republicans were done with Trump after Jan. 6. Now they want him back in the White House

Many Senate Republicans were done with Trump after Jan. 6. Now they want him back in the White House

WASHINGTON (AP) — Three years ago, Don­ald Trump had few friends left in the Senate.

Two weeks after hush money verdict, Trump to meet with Senate Republicans

Two weeks after hush money verdict, Trump to meet with Senate Republicans

WASHINGTON (AP) — For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump will meet with Sen­ate Repub­li­cans…

Republicans block bill to protect contraception access as Democrats make election-year push

Republicans block bill to protect contraception access as Democrats make election-year push

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen­ate Repub­li­cans have blocked leg­is­la­tion designed to pro­tect…

In an election year push on reproductive rights, Senate holds a test vote on access to contraception

In an election year push on reproductive rights, Senate holds a test vote on access to contraception

WASHINGTON (AP) — In an elec­tion year effort to put Repub­li­cans on record on…

Amid election-year push on reproductive rights, Senate to hold test vote on access to contraception

Amid election-year push on reproductive rights, Senate to hold test vote on access to contraception

WASHINGTON (AP) — In an elec­tion-year effort to put Repub­li­cans on record on…

Republican lawmakers react with fury to Trump verdict and rally to his defense

Republican lawmakers react with fury to Trump verdict and rally to his defense

WASHINGTON (AP) — Repub­li­can law­mak­ers react­ed with imme­di­ate fury on Thurs­day as…