Maura Forrest

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Maura Forrest.

As Quebec promises action, residents demand an end to illegal dumping in Kanesatake

As Quebec promises action, residents demand an end to illegal dumping in Kanesatake

MONTREAL — The Que­bec gov­ern­ment says it has an ​“action plan” to fight ille­gal…

No photos of Trudeau on campaign signs in Montreal riding ahead of byelection

No photos of Trudeau on campaign signs in Montreal riding ahead of byelection

MONTREAL — One famil­iar face is con­spic­u­ous­ly absent from a fed­er­al…

Montreal's Concordia University reports big drop in enrolment following tuition hike

Montreal's Concordia University reports big drop in enrolment following tuition hike

MONTREAL — One of Que­bec’s three Eng­lish-lan­guage uni­ver­si­ties is report­ing…

Montreal byelection to have most candidates in federal election history

Montreal byelection to have most candidates in federal election history

MONTREAL — An upcom­ing byelec­tion in Mon­tréal will have the longest bal­lot in the…

Federal cabinet minister Pablo Rodriguez being sought to lead Quebec Liberal Party

Federal cabinet minister Pablo Rodriguez being sought to lead Quebec Liberal Party

MONTREAL — A spokesper­son for Trans­port Min­is­ter Pablo Rodriguez says he is…

Quebec government has only recouped about one-third of pandemic-era fines so far

Quebec government has only recouped about one-third of pandemic-era fines so far

MONTREAL — More than two years after Que­bec lift­ed most of its COVID-era pub­lic health…

Local family used swastikas to accuse Quebec municipality of racism

Local family used swastikas to accuse Quebec municipality of racism

MONTREAL — A small Que­bec com­mu­ni­ty has been locked in a drawn-out bat­tle…

Montreal failed to address school flushing sewage into river for years

MONTREAL — A Mon­tréal ele­men­tary school has been inad­ver­tent­ly flush­ing raw…

Montreal's most popular radio personality will host his last show Friday

Montreal's most popular radio personality will host his last show Friday

MONTREAL — It’s the end of an era for a giant of Que­bec media.

No one wants an election, right?