Michelle L. Price, The Associated Press

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Trump returns to Minnesota with Midwesterner Vance to try to swing Democrat-leaning state

Trump returns to Minnesota with Midwesterner Vance to try to swing Democrat-leaning state

ST. CLOUD, Min­neso­ta (AP) — Don­ald Trump is tak­ing his cam­paign back to Min­neso­ta,…

What to watch as the Republican National Convention kicks off days after Trump assassination attempt

What to watch as the Republican National Convention kicks off days after Trump assassination attempt

MILWAUKEE (AP) — The Repub­li­can Nation­al Con­ven­tion starts Mon­day in Mil­wau­kee,…

The Republicans who want to be Trump's VP were once harsh critics with key policy differences

The Republicans who want to be Trump's VP were once harsh critics with key policy differences

WASHINGTON (AP) — It’s hard to refer to some­one as ​“Hitler” and end up in their good…

Trump endorses Ten Commandments in schools, implores evangelical Christians to vote in November

Trump endorses Ten Commandments in schools, implores evangelical Christians to vote in November

WASHINGTON (AP) — Don­ald Trump told a group of evan­gel­i­cals they ​“can­not…

Trump will address influential evangelicals who back him but want to see a national abortion ban

Trump will address influential evangelicals who back him but want to see a national abortion ban

WASHINGTON (AP) — Don­ald Trump is set to speak Sat­ur­day to a group of…

Biden and Trump win Democratic, Republican elections in some of 2024's last primary contests

Biden and Trump win Democratic, Republican elections in some of 2024's last primary contests

NEW YORK (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump won…

Biden wins Democratic races in South Dakota, New Jersey and DC; Trump wins GOP race in New Jersey

Biden wins Democratic races in South Dakota, New Jersey and DC; Trump wins GOP race in New Jersey

NEW YORK (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden won Demo­c­ra­t­ic pri­maries Tues­day in South…

Trump wins GOP primary in New Jersey as Biden wins Democratic race there and in DC

Trump wins GOP primary in New Jersey as Biden wins Democratic race there and in DC

NEW YORK (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden won Demo­c­ra­t­ic pri­maries Tues­day in New…

Biden wins Democratic primaries in New Jersey and Washington in some of 2024's last contests

Biden wins Democratic primaries in New Jersey and Washington in some of 2024's last contests

NEW YORK (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden won Demo­c­ra­t­ic pri­maries Tues­day in New…

After guilty verdict, Trump will appear on the ballot in the last presidential primaries of 2024

After guilty verdict, Trump will appear on the ballot in the last presidential primaries of 2024

NEW YORK (AP) — Don­ald Trump’s name will appear on the bal­lot Tues­day for the first…