Mickey Djuric

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Mickey Djuric.

NDP used stock images from Russia, Israel after decrying Tories' foreign content use

NDP used stock images from Russia, Israel after decrying Tories' foreign content use

OTTAWA — The New Democ­rats includ­ed stock images from Rus­sia and Israel in…

NDP used stock images from Russia, Israel after decrying Tories' foreign content use

NDP used stock images from Russia, Israel after decrying Tories' foreign content use

The New Democ­rats includ­ed stock images from Rus­sia and Israel in a recent…

NDP used stock images from Russia, Israel after decrying Tories' foreign content use

NDP used stock images from Russia, Israel after decrying Tories' foreign content use

OTTAWA — The New Democ­rats includ­ed stock images from Rus­sia and Israel in…

In dueling TV ads, NDP and Conservatives try to define Poilievre to union voters

In dueling TV ads, NDP and Conservatives try to define Poilievre to union voters

New Democ­rats and Con­ser­v­a­tives have both launched tele­vi­sion ads that attempt to…

In dueling TV ads, NDP and Conservatives try to define Poilievre to union voters

In dueling TV ads, NDP and Conservatives try to define Poilievre to union voters

OTTAWA — New Democ­rats and Con­ser­v­a­tives have both launched tele­vi­sion ads that…

Study finds no evidence Tories were behind bot campaign that posted about Poilievre

Study finds no evidence Tories were behind bot campaign that posted about Poilievre

There is no evi­dence that indi­cates the fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives were behind…

Study finds no evidence Tories were behind bot campaign that posted about Poilievre

Study finds no evidence Tories were behind bot campaign that posted about Poilievre

OTTAWA — There is no evi­dence that indi­cates the fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives were…

Canada lists old NYC residence for $13M, surpassing cost of new luxury condo

Canada lists old NYC residence for $13M, surpassing cost of new luxury condo

Cana­da is sell­ing its for­mer Man­hat­tan res­i­dence, which used to house its…

Canada lists old NYC residence for $13M, surpassing cost of new luxury condo

Canada lists old NYC residence for $13M, surpassing cost of new luxury condo

OTTAWA — Cana­da is sell­ing its for­mer Man­hat­tan res­i­dence, which used to house its…

CBC paid more than $18 million in bonuses in 2024 after eliminating hundreds of jobs

CBC paid more than $18 million in bonuses in 2024 after eliminating hundreds of jobs

OTTAWA — The Cana­di­an Broad­cast­ing Corp. paid $18.4 mil­lion in bonus­es this year…

Conservative candidate's union endorses NDP candidate in Winnipeg byelection

Conservative candidate's union endorses NDP candidate in Winnipeg byelection

OTTAWA — More than a dozen labour lead­ers are endors­ing the NDP can­di­date in an…

Labour Minister Seamus O'Regan steps down from cabinet, successor to be named Friday

Labour Minister Seamus O'Regan steps down from cabinet, successor to be named Friday

OTTAWA — Labour Min­is­ter Sea­mus O’Re­gan is step­ping down from cab­i­net and will not…

Labour Minister Seamus O'Regan leaving cabinet, Trudeau confirms

Labour Minister Seamus O'Regan leaving cabinet, Trudeau confirms

OTTAWA — Labour Min­is­ter Sea­mus O’Re­gan is step­ping down from cab­i­net and will not…

Group in charge of Google's $100M for news outlets lays out its governance model

Group in charge of Google's $100M for news outlets lays out its governance model

OTTAWA — The group Google asked to dis­trib­ute $100 mil­lion to news out­lets in Cana­da…

CBC/Radio-Canada board approves bonuses for 2023-24, but will review performance pay

CBC/Radio-Canada board approves bonuses for 2023-24, but will review performance pay

OTTAWA — The board of direc­tors for CBC and Radio-Cana­da has approved bonus­es for some…

Trudeau focused on governing, fighting right-wing populism following byelection loss

Trudeau focused on governing, fighting right-wing populism following byelection loss

OTTAWA — Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has been tak­ing calls from dif­fer­ent mem­bers…

Trudeau won't commit to national caucus meeting, says he's having calls with MPs

Trudeau won't commit to national caucus meeting, says he's having calls with MPs

MONTREAL — Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau said he’s been tak­ing calls from dif­fer­ent…

Liberal MPs suggests party needed stronger ground game in Toronto--St. Paul's vote

Liberal MPs suggests party needed stronger ground game in Toronto--St. Paul's vote

OTTAWA — The fed­er­al Lib­er­als need­ed a stronger ground cam­paign in their…

NDP's Ashton pays back some money from Christmas trip initially billed to taxpayers

OTTAWA — A New Demo­c­rat mem­ber of Par­lia­ment has paid back a por­tion of…

Ottawa keeps spending on influencers. Liberals say it's about stemming disinformation

Ottawa keeps spending on influencers. Liberals say it's about stemming disinformation

Her kids are not read­ing the news­pa­pers on her kitchen counter. Instead, they’re…

Ottawa keeps spending on influencers. Liberals say it's about stemming disinformation

Ottawa keeps spending on influencers. Liberals say it's about stemming disinformation

OTTAWA — Her kids are not read­ing the news­pa­pers on her kitchen counter. Instead,…

Head of NATO singles out Trudeau as friend and staunch defender of Ukraine

Head of NATO singles out Trudeau as friend and staunch defender of Ukraine

OTTAWA — Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau and NATO Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al Jens Stoltenberg…

Blair promises Canada will meet NATO target as secretary-general visits Ottawa

Blair promises Canada will meet NATO target as secretary-general visits Ottawa

Cana­da con­tin­ues to miss its NATO defence spend­ing tar­get, but Defence Min­is­ter…

Blair promises Canada will meet NATO target as secretary-general visits Ottawa

Blair promises Canada will meet NATO target as secretary-general visits Ottawa

OTTAWA — Cana­da con­tin­ues to miss its NATO defence spend­ing tar­get, but Defence…

Canadian media a target for foreign interference: national security committee chair

Canadian media a target for foreign interference: national security committee chair

OTTAWA — For­eign actors are try­ing to inter­fere with the Cana­di­an media, and…

Oilers fever reaches Parliament Hill as MPs put aside team colours for NHL playoffs

Oilers fever reaches Parliament Hill as MPs put aside team colours for NHL playoffs

OTTAWA — They’re not all on the same polit­i­cal team, but mem­bers of Par­lia­ment have…

They're not all on the same political team, but Oilers fever has brought MPs together

They're not all on the same political team, but Oilers fever has brought MPs together

OTTAWA — They’re not all on the same polit­i­cal team, but mem­bers of Par­lia­ment have…

Federal NDP want a price cap on grocery store staples; Liberals say it won't work

Federal NDP want a price cap on grocery store staples; Liberals say it won't work

OTTAWA — The fed­er­al New Democ­rats want a price cap on gro­cery store sta­ples if…

House Speaker survives latest attempt by Tories to force resignation

House Speaker survives latest attempt by Tories to force resignation

House of Com­mons Speak­er Greg Fer­gus has sur­vived a vote put for­ward by the…

House Speaker survives latest attempt by Tories to force resignation

House Speaker survives latest attempt by Tories to force resignation

OTTAWA — House of Com­mons Speak­er Greg Fer­gus has sur­vived a vote put for­ward…

NDP convention a chance for ‘new direction,’ but grassroots could take up old debates

NDP convention a chance for ‘new direction,’ but grassroots could take up old debates

New Democ­rats are gath­er­ing for a three-day con­ven­tion to focus on how to…