Murray Brewster

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Murray Brewster.

There's a price to pay for being unready for war. Will Canada have to pay it again?

There's a price to pay for being unready for war. Will Canada have to pay it again?

A lit­tle more than 18 years ago, amid the dust and hard heat of Kan­da­har…

Trudeau holds high-level talks in Washington as he faces pressure to boost defence spending

Trudeau holds high-level talks in Washington as he faces pressure to boost defence spending

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau has been tak­ing the tem­per­a­ture of Canada‑U.S.…

The philosophy — and politics — behind Canada's reluctance to meet NATO's spending target

The philosophy — and politics — behind Canada's reluctance to meet NATO's spending target

There was an unscript­ed moment dur­ing a pan­el debate in Toron­to last month that…

Trudeau heads for the hotseat at NATO summit as allies question Canada's defence commitments

Trudeau heads for the hotseat at NATO summit as allies question Canada's defence commitments

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau heads to Wash­ing­ton today for a meet­ing of NATO…

'Large proportion' of military disliked relaxed rules on personal grooming, survey finds

'Large proportion' of military disliked relaxed rules on personal grooming, survey finds

The Cana­di­an mil­i­tary has tight­ened up reg­u­la­tions on per­son­al groom­ing after…

Rising economic indicators pushing Canada further from NATO spending target, MPs hear

Rising economic indicators pushing Canada further from NATO spending target, MPs hear

New­ly revised eco­nom­ic data sug­gests Canada’s pledge to bring its defence spend­ing…

Lawyer for officer suing federal government calls for outside probe of military police

Lawyer for officer suing federal government calls for outside probe of military police

The lawyer rep­re­sent­ing the for­mer head of the Cana­di­an Armed Forces per­son­nel…

Canadian warship sharing an anchorage with Russian vessels in Cuba

Canadian warship sharing an anchorage with Russian vessels in Cuba

The Roy­al Cana­di­an Navy now finds itself in the unusu­al posi­tion of both shad­ow­ing…

Protecting trainers Canada's priority as France pushes new mission in Ukraine, top soldier says

Protecting trainers Canada's priority as France pushes new mission in Ukraine, top soldier says

Pro­tect­ing mil­i­tary train­ers in the event they’re deployed back into Ukraine is the…

A family returns to France to trace the ambush that changed a Canadian soldier's life

A family returns to France to trace the ambush that changed a Canadian soldier's life

Don Levers is wrestling with an extra­or­di­nary num­ber of ​“what-ifs” as he, his…

Canada purchasing 16 new fighter jets out of current budget, minister says

Canada purchasing 16 new fighter jets out of current budget, minister says

The first 16 of the air force’s new F‑35 fight­ers will be paid for out of the cur­rent…

The navy is looking at deploying 'ghost fleets' — warships that don't need crews

The navy is looking at deploying 'ghost fleets' — warships that don't need crews

The Cana­di­an mil­i­tary is weigh­ing how many and what kind of ​“option­al­ly-crewed”…

Drones and AI are rewriting the rulebook on naval warfare — with uncertain consequences

Drones and AI are rewriting the rulebook on naval warfare — with uncertain consequences

They have an incon­spic­u­ous des­ig­na­tion but the Ukrain­ian intel­li­gence offi­cers…

Top soldier says military looking for 'clarity' on Ottawa's budget plans

Top soldier says military looking for 'clarity' on Ottawa's budget plans

Just over a month into the new fis­cal year and two weeks after the fed­er­al…

As Russia presses forward, Ukraine pleads with Canada for armour, air defence

As Russia presses forward, Ukraine pleads with Canada for armour, air defence

A lead­ing mem­ber of the Ukrain­ian par­lia­ment deliv­ered stark warn­ings to…

Demands of defence policy almost double military's recruitment gap, top soldier warns

Demands of defence policy almost double military's recruitment gap, top soldier warns

The recruit­ing hole in which the Cana­di­an mil­i­tary finds itself is deep­er and…

NATO at 75: Is Canada losing its grip on the world's greatest military alliance?

NATO at 75: Is Canada losing its grip on the world's greatest military alliance?

Inar­guably big­ger and more sea­soned than it was when it was born from the ash­es of…

Probe clears military police in case of pilot charged with sexual assault who took his own life

Probe clears military police in case of pilot charged with sexual assault who took his own life

An almost two-year-long inter­nal inves­ti­ga­tion into how mil­i­tary police han­dled…

Civilian advisers who served in Afghanistan deserve compensation now, ombudsman says

Civilian advisers who served in Afghanistan deserve compensation now, ombudsman says

Canada’s mil­i­tary ombuds­man is call­ing on the Depart­ment of Nation­al Defence (DND)…

As Bill Blair ramps up his warnings about the state of the military, Trudeau sticks to his script

As Bill Blair ramps up his warnings about the state of the military, Trudeau sticks to his script

There’s a school of thought that sug­gests it’s nev­er a good idea to dis­agree…

State of Canadian Armed Forces' combat readiness growing worse, government report warns

State of Canadian Armed Forces' combat readiness growing worse, government report warns

Only 58 per cent of the Cana­di­an Armed Forces (CAF) would be able to respond if called…

Three new polls suggest a growing number of Canadians want more money spent on defence

Three new polls suggest a growing number of Canadians want more money spent on defence

Three new pub­lic opin­ion sur­veys sug­gest Cana­di­ans are grow­ing more con­cerned…

Lawsuit over massive Veterans Affairs accounting error to cost Ottawa almost $1 billion

Lawsuit over massive Veterans Affairs accounting error to cost Ottawa almost $1 billion

An embar­rass­ing mul­ti-mil­lion-dol­lar account­ing error that was cov­ered up for…

Cost of Liberal government's defence plan has jumped by $50B, PBO says

Cost of Liberal government's defence plan has jumped by $50B, PBO says

The cost of the Lib­er­al gov­ern­men­t’s near­ly sev­en-year-old mar­quee defence plan…

Macron's musings about ground troops send Ukraine's allies running for cover

Macron's musings about ground troops send Ukraine's allies running for cover

If it were any oth­er time — and if the stakes weren’t so high — the swift…

Trudeau signs $3-billion security deal for Ukraine on 2nd anniversary of Russian invasion

Trudeau signs $3-billion security deal for Ukraine on 2nd anniversary of Russian invasion

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau signed a deal in Kyiv on Sat­ur­day com­mit­ting…

Russia's violence 'must not go unpunished,' Zelenskyy tells Canadian parliamentarians

Russia's violence 'must not go unpunished,' Zelenskyy tells Canadian parliamentarians

Ukrain­ian Pres­i­dent Volodymyr Zelen­skyy deliv­ered an impas­sioned speech to…

Zelenskyy comes to Ottawa as Ukraine scrambles to shore up allies' support

Zelenskyy comes to Ottawa as Ukraine scrambles to shore up allies' support

Ukrain­ian Pres­i­dent Volodymyr Zelen­skyy was wel­comed Fri­day morn­ing to…