Nanos Research

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Nanos Research.

Consumer confidence continues to incrementally improve

Consumer confidence continues to incrementally improve

After skirt­ing into neg­a­tive ter­ri­to­ry at the tail end of 2023, con­sumer…

Federal Ballot: CPC 39, LPC 26, NDP 21, BQ 8, GPC 4, PPC 2 (Nanos)

Federal Ballot: CPC 39, LPC 26, NDP 21, BQ 8, GPC 4, PPC 2 (Nanos)

Con­ser­v­a­tive have a 13 point lead. Although infla­tion, jobs/​the econ­o­my and…

Consumer confidence hits highest level since September 2023.

Consumer confidence hits highest level since September 2023.

Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence remains in mar­gin­al­ly pos­i­tive ter­ri­to­ry with…

Both pocketbook and overall index showing better scores over the past 60 days

Both pocketbook and overall index showing better scores over the past 60 days

Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

Feelings of satisfaction toward the federal government hit all time low since tracking started in 2018

Feelings of satisfaction toward the federal government hit all time low since tracking started in 2018

Over­all, pes­simism and anger con­tin­ue to be the top emo­tions Cana­di­ans say best…

Two in three Canadians say the federal government is doing a very poor or poor job at introducing policies to make housing affordable.

Two in three Canadians say the federal government is doing a very poor or poor job at introducing policies to make housing affordable.

The research gauged opin­ions of Cana­di­ans on whether the gov­ern­ment is doing…

Federal Ballot: CPC 38, LPC 26, NDP 21, BQ 7, GPC 4, PPC 2

Federal Ballot: CPC 38, LPC 26, NDP 21, BQ 7, GPC 4, PPC 2

Con­ser­v­a­tives con­tin­ue to retain a com­fort­able dou­ble-dig­it advan­tage…

Most Canadians agree temporary foreign workers are important or somewhat important to Canada’s economy.

Most Canadians agree temporary foreign workers are important or somewhat important to Canada’s economy.

The research gauged the views of Cana­di­ans on tem­po­rary for­eign work­ers,…

Forward looking expectations are trending positively.

Forward looking expectations are trending positively.

For­ward-look­ing expec­ta­tions have been trend­ing upward over the past four weeks and…

Positive views on the performance of the federal government and international reputation break records with 17-year lows – Tracking Study (Nanos)

Positive views on the performance of the federal government and international reputation break records with 17-year lows – Tracking Study (Nanos)

The research gauged the views of Cana­di­ans on the cur­rent fed­er­al gov­ern­ment, the…

Canadians are more likely to want the next federal election to take place now or in 2024 than to wait until 2025 (CTV News/Nanos)

Canadians are more likely to want the next federal election to take place now or in 2024 than to wait until 2025 (CTV News/Nanos)

Close to one in two Cana­di­ans would pre­fer the next fed­er­al elec­tion take place as…

Rising cost of living remains the top issue Canadians want the House of Commons to prioritize in 2024 (CTV/Nanos)

Rising cost of living remains the top issue Canadians want the House of Commons to prioritize in 2024 (CTV/Nanos)

Nanos was retained by CTV News to con­duct research among Cana­di­ans to gauge their…

National Ballot: CPC 40, LPC 27, NDP 18, BQ 7, GPC 5, PPC 2 (Nanos)

National Ballot: CPC 40, LPC 27, NDP 18, BQ 7, GPC 5, PPC 2 (Nanos)

Nanos track­ing for 2023 clos­es out with the Con­ser­v­a­tives enjoy­ing a 13-point…

Consumer confidence closes out flat in 2023

Consumer confidence closes out flat in 2023

Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence con­tin­ues to sput­ter in neu­tral as 2023 clos­es…

Federal Ballot: CPC 41, LPC 27, NDP 18, BQ 7, GPC 5, PPC 1 – Poilievre hits a 10-year Conservative leader high on preferred PM tracking (Nanos)

Federal Ballot: CPC 41, LPC 27, NDP 18, BQ 7, GPC 5, PPC 1 – Poilievre hits a 10-year Conservative leader high on preferred PM tracking (Nanos)

The fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives con­tin­ue to enjoy a com­fort­able advan­tage over…

Consumer confidence neutral and steady in close of 2023 – Stronger than December 2022

Consumer confidence neutral and steady in close of 2023 – Stronger than December 2022

While the close of 2022 Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence was clear­ly in neg­a­tive…

55 percent of Canadians want someone other than Trudeau to lead to the Liberal Party of Canada in the next election – 46 percent of Canadians want some other than Pierre Poilievre to lead the Conservative Party for next election
Consumer confidence hits neutral (Bloomberg/Nanos)

Consumer confidence hits neutral (Bloomberg/Nanos)

After dip­ping into neg­a­tive ter­ri­to­ry, con­sumer con­fi­dence in Cana­da has hit…

The negative impact due to rising cost of living and the worry about paying housing cost are trending up (Nanos).

The negative impact due to rising cost of living and the worry about paying housing cost are trending up (Nanos).

Approx­i­mate­ly two in three Cana­di­ans believe the next gen­er­a­tion of Cana­di­ans…

Federal Nanos Ballot: CPC 40, LPC 26, NDP 20, BQ 6, GPC 6, PPC 2

Federal Nanos Ballot: CPC 40, LPC 26, NDP 20, BQ 6, GPC 6, PPC 2

The Fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives con­tin­ue to enjoy a com­fort­able 14 point…

Canadians more likely to think carbon tax is ineffective rather than effective at combatting climate change or encouraging people to use less fuel.

Canadians more likely to think carbon tax is ineffective rather than effective at combatting climate change or encouraging people to use less fuel.

Nanos was retained by CTV News to con­duct research among Cana­di­ans to gauge their…

Consumer confidence remains neutral

Consumer confidence remains neutral

The BNCCI, a com­pos­ite of a week­ly mea­sure of finan­cial health and…