Nik Nanos

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Nik Nanos.

A quarter of Canadians say none of the potential Liberal leader candidates appeal to them – Chrystia Freeland’s appeal score drops

A quarter of Canadians say none of the potential Liberal leader candidates appeal to them – Chrystia Freeland’s appeal score drops

Nanos research was retained by CTV News to con­duct research among Cana­di­ans to gauge…

Conservatives lead by 15

Conservatives lead by 15

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Consumer confidence steadily in positive territory

Consumer confidence steadily in positive territory

ana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence con­tin­ues to track in mar­gin­al­ly pos­i­tive…

Feelings of pessimism towards the federal government hit new high –Satisfaction reaches new all-time low

Feelings of pessimism towards the federal government hit new high –Satisfaction reaches new all-time low

Nanos con­duct­ed a sur­vey on Cana­di­ans views of the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment.…

People are three times more likely to say their personal finances are worse rather than better compared to a year ago

People are three times more likely to say their personal finances are worse rather than better compared to a year ago

Cana­di­ans are three time more like­ly to have a neg­a­tive rather than…

Canadians are divided on how to fund NATO defense spending target

Canadians are divided on how to fund NATO defense spending target

Cana­di­ans are divid­ed on how to fund NATO defense spend­ing tar­get with 26% who think…

Canadians give top scores to the UK and Germany as positive partners

Canadians give top scores to the UK and Germany as positive partners

In col­lab­o­ra­tion with Atlantik Brücke, Nanos con­duct­ed a sur­vey on the views…

Higher interest rates negatively impact spending for majority of Canadians; Poilievre most trusted to support economic growth

Higher interest rates negatively impact spending for majority of Canadians; Poilievre most trusted to support economic growth

More than two in three respon­dents say that high­er inter­est rates have impact­ed their…

Conservatives continue with double digit lead over Liberals

Conservatives continue with double digit lead over Liberals

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Consumer confidence tracking in positive territory

Consumer confidence tracking in positive territory

Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

Conservatives steady with ballot support at 41 per cent

Conservatives steady with ballot support at 41 per cent

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Confidence remains positive – Views on real estate show softening over the past four weeks

Confidence remains positive – Views on real estate show softening over the past four weeks

Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

Belief in a lower standard of living for the future generation reaches an all time high among Canadians

Belief in a lower standard of living for the future generation reaches an all time high among Canadians

Sev­en in ten Cana­di­ans say they believe the next gen­er­a­tion will have a low­er…

Positive consumer confidence over the past four weeks buoyed up by views on the future strength of the economy, job security and personal finances

Positive consumer confidence over the past four weeks buoyed up by views on the future strength of the economy, job security and personal finances

Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

Canadians are three times more likely to prefer someone else lead the Liberals in the next election rather than Justin Trudeau

Canadians are three times more likely to prefer someone else lead the Liberals in the next election rather than Justin Trudeau

The research gauged Cana­di­ans’ pref­er­ences for the leader of the Lib­er­al Par­ty of…

Canadians who have a negative or somewhat negative impression of someone who is a Senator has decreased by fourteen percentage points since the start of the tracking period in 2016
Conservatives ahead of Liberals by 15 points as Economic issues top list of concerns

Conservatives ahead of Liberals by 15 points as Economic issues top list of concerns

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Consumer confidence remains positive – Fundamentals driving sentiment improving over the past four weeks

Consumer confidence remains positive – Fundamentals driving sentiment improving over the past four weeks

Over the past four weeks sen­ti­ment on a num­ber of indi­ca­tors that make up the…

Poilievre hits new 10 year high on preferred PM tracking for a Conservative leader (Nanos)

Poilievre hits new 10 year high on preferred PM tracking for a Conservative leader (Nanos)

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Consumer confidence remains positive for fourth month in succession

Consumer confidence remains positive for fourth month in succession

Nanos con­duct­ed an RDD dual frame (land- and cell-lines) tele­phone ran­dom sur­vey of…

Forward looking expectations hits a two-year high

Forward looking expectations hits a two-year high

The for­ward-look­ing Bloomberg Nanos Expec­ta­tions sub-indice has been trend­ing upward…

Conservatives lead Liberals by 17 points – Liberal and NDP support within the margin of error for the Nanos tracking

Conservatives lead Liberals by 17 points – Liberal and NDP support within the margin of error for the Nanos tracking

Nanos tracks unprompt­ed issues of con­cern every week. To access full week­ly nation­al…

Consumer confidence remains in marginally positive territory

Consumer confidence remains in marginally positive territory

Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence con­tin­ues to remain in pos­i­tive ter­ri­to­ry with…

Trump negotiator: Canadians believe Poilievre a better negotiator than Trudeau – both leaders tied in advocating for Canadian interests

Trump negotiator: Canadians believe Poilievre a better negotiator than Trudeau – both leaders tied in advocating for Canadian interests

Over 1 in 3 Cana­di­ans say that Pierre Poilievre would do the best job of…

Poilievre hits 10 year high for a Conservative leader on preferred PM tracking

Poilievre hits 10 year high for a Conservative leader on preferred PM tracking

Poilievre enjoys a 15 point advan­tage over Trudeau on the pre­ferred Prime…

Canadians say a new Liberal leader focused on economic issues will help raise chances to win next election – Poilievre marginally scores better than Trudeau on performance
Canadians over fives times more likely to prefer Joe Biden over Donald Trump for positive Canada-US relationship (Globe and Mail/Nanos)

Canadians over fives times more likely to prefer Joe Biden over Donald Trump for positive Canada-US relationship (Globe and Mail/Nanos)

Cana­di­ans are over five times more like­ly to pre­fer Joe Biden (70%) over Don­ald…

Forward looking expectations hits highest level since May 2022.

Forward looking expectations hits highest level since May 2022.

Cana­di­an con­sumer con­fi­dence is start­ing to trend in a pos­i­tive direc­tion.…

Conservatives ahead of Liberals by 15 points – Poilievre top choice as PM and hits a new high (Nanos)

Conservatives ahead of Liberals by 15 points – Poilievre top choice as PM and hits a new high (Nanos)

The Week­ly Nanos Track­ing is pro­duced by the Nanos Research Cor­po­ra­tion,…

Satisfaction with Canada as a country continues to decline – Universities and Colleges top positive contributor to Canada being a better country. (Nanos)

Satisfaction with Canada as a country continues to decline – Universities and Colleges top positive contributor to Canada being a better country. (Nanos)

About one in two Cana­di­ans (52%) now say they are sat­is­fied with Cana­da as…

Forward looking expectations sub-indice hits positive high not seen since May 2022

Forward looking expectations sub-indice hits positive high not seen since May 2022

Over­all con­sumer con­fi­dence con­tin­ues to incre­men­tal­ly trend up in Jan­u­ary. Of…

Federal Ballot: CPC 39, LPC 27, NDP 20, BQ 7, GPC 5, PPC 1 (Nanos)

Federal Ballot: CPC 39, LPC 27, NDP 20, BQ 7, GPC 5, PPC 1 (Nanos)

Cur­rent Con­ser­v­a­tive advan­tage stands at 12 points over the Lib­er­als. Infla­tion…