Paul Withers

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Paul Withers.

Storm brewing in Canada over French halibut fishery in Atlantic

Storm brewing in Canada over French halibut fishery in Atlantic

The Cana­di­an hal­ibut indus­try is accus­ing France of seek­ing an exor­bi­tant share…

Tories dismiss fishing harbour repairs by federal Liberals as 'electioneering'

Tories dismiss fishing harbour repairs by federal Liberals as 'electioneering'

The Trudeau gov­ern­ment has announced that dozens of small craft har­bours in Atlantic…

Nova Scotia government retreats on plan to fast-track wind farms in coastal bays

Nova Scotia government retreats on plan to fast-track wind farms in coastal bays

The Nova Sco­tia gov­ern­ment is tap­ping the brakes on its plan to fast-track wind farms…

Cost of Canada's new flagship ocean science vessel jumps to $1.28B

Cost of Canada's new flagship ocean science vessel jumps to $1.28B

The bud­get for Canada’s new flag­ship ocean research ship increased 28 per cent this…