Rachel Aiello

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Rachel Aiello.

Trudeau cabinet to meet Friday as speculation around a shuffle swirls

Trudeau cabinet to meet Friday as speculation around a shuffle swirls

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s cab­i­net is expect­ed to meet on Fri­day, CTV News has…

Freeland has 'confidence,' but wouldn't say whether PM has promised her job is safe

Freeland has 'confidence,' but wouldn't say whether PM has promised her job is safe

Deputy Prime Min­is­ter Chrys­tia Free­land says she feels that she has the con­fi­dence…

Green Party Deputy Leader Jonathan Pedneault stepping down for 'personal reasons'

Green Party Deputy Leader Jonathan Pedneault stepping down for 'personal reasons'

Green Par­ty Deputy Leader Jonathan Ped­neault has announced he is step­ping down,…

'We need to regroup,' says Liberal minister and Ontario campaign co-chair in light of byelection loss

'We need to regroup,' says Liberal minister and Ontario campaign co-chair in light of byelection loss

A mem­ber of Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau’s cab­i­net and the par­ty’s Ontario…

'Not the result we wanted': Trudeau responds after surprise Conservative byelection win in Liberal stronghold

'Not the result we wanted': Trudeau responds after surprise Conservative byelection win in Liberal stronghold

Con­ser­v­a­tive can­di­date Don Stew­art win­ning the close­ly-watched Toron­to-St.…

'Swimming into the tide': Liberal MPs talk summer strategy as they prepare to hit the doors down in the polls

'Swimming into the tide': Liberal MPs talk summer strategy as they prepare to hit the doors down in the polls

Prepar­ing to head back to their rid­ings for the sum­mer, Lib­er­al MPs say that while…

With MPs on the brink of a summer break, pressure is on Liberals to pass bills

With MPs on the brink of a summer break, pressure is on Liberals to pass bills

With just a few days stand­ing between MPs and sum­mer­time in their rid­ings, the…

'Byelections are sometimes referendums': Why politicos are tracking looming Toronto race

'Byelections are sometimes referendums': Why politicos are tracking looming Toronto race

The stakes are high in a loom­ing June 24 fed­er­al byelec­tion in a long-held…

Freeland presents capital gains proposal to Parliament, setting up key vote

Freeland presents capital gains proposal to Parliament, setting up key vote

Chrys­tia Free­land pre­sent­ed her promised cap­i­tal gains pro­pos­al to Par­lia­ment…

Canadians 3 times more likely to prefer someone other than Trudeau lead Liberals in next election

Canadians 3 times more likely to prefer someone other than Trudeau lead Liberals in next election

Cana­di­ans are three times more like­ly to pre­fer some­one oth­er than Prime Min­is­ter…

'We will go with the majority': Liberals slammed by opposition over proposal to delay next election

'We will go with the majority': Liberals slammed by opposition over proposal to delay next election

The fed­er­al Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment learned Fri­day it may have to retreat on…

NDP want Liberals to scrap proposed election date change that could secure pensions for many MPs

NDP want Liberals to scrap proposed election date change that could secure pensions for many MPs

The fed­er­al New Democ­rats want to amend the Lib­er­al gov­ern­men­t’s elec­toral…

Poilievre says Canadians 'fleeing' to Nicaragua, Liberals say it shows he 'doesn't have a clue'

Poilievre says Canadians 'fleeing' to Nicaragua, Liberals say it shows he 'doesn't have a clue'

Lib­er­al par­lia­men­tar­i­ans are crit­i­ciz­ing Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre…

'Decades-long fight': MPs unanimously pass 'anti-scab' legislation

'Decades-long fight': MPs unanimously pass 'anti-scab' legislation

A bill that would ban fed­er­al employ­ers from using replace­ment work­ers or ​“scabs”…

The push to Parliament's summer hiatus is about to begin, here's what you need to know

The push to Parliament's summer hiatus is about to begin, here's what you need to know

When MPs file back in to the House of Com­mons on Tues­day, it will be for the final…

NDP calls out Conservatives for effort to squash pharmacare legislation

NDP calls out Conservatives for effort to squash pharmacare legislation

The fed­er­al New Democ­rats are call­ing out Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre…

'Still so much love between us,' Sophie Gregoire Trudeau says of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

'Still so much love between us,' Sophie Gregoire Trudeau says of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Sophie Gre­goire Trudeau says there is ​“still so much love” between her and Prime…

LeBlanc says he plans to run in next election, under Trudeau's leadership

LeBlanc says he plans to run in next election, under Trudeau's leadership

Cab­i­net min­is­ter Dominic LeBlanc says he plans to run in the next elec­tion as…

Budget 2024 prioritizes housing while taxing highest earners, deficit projected at $39.8B

Budget 2024 prioritizes housing while taxing highest earners, deficit projected at $39.8B

In an effort to lev­el the play­ing field for young peo­ple, in the 2024 fed­er­al…

Politicians shouldn't scrap climate commitments to address cost of living crisis: Boris Johnson

Politicians shouldn't scrap climate commitments to address cost of living crisis: Boris Johnson

Politi­cians should not toss aside their cli­mate com­mit­ments in order to address the…

How will Liberals pay for billions in promised spending, loans? Freeland won't say if wealth taxes coming

How will Liberals pay for billions in promised spending, loans? Freeland won't say if wealth taxes coming

While selec­tive­ly rolling out ele­ments tar­get­ing mil­len­ni­als and Gen­er­a­tion Z,…

Will there be new taxes in the federal budget? Minister noncommittal

Will there be new taxes in the federal budget? Minister noncommittal

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has been rolling out bits of the upcom­ing fed­er­al bud­get…

More Canadians 'trust none' than they do the Liberals to manage finances: Nanos

More Canadians 'trust none' than they do the Liberals to manage finances: Nanos

More Cana­di­ans say they ​“trust none” of the fed­er­al polit­i­cal par­ties when it…

'Trying to steal back voters': Strategists weigh in on Liberal budget messaging plan

'Trying to steal back voters': Strategists weigh in on Liberal budget messaging plan

The Lib­er­als are deploy­ing a new pre-bud­get mar­ket­ing strat­e­gy that will see…

Poilievre plans to move non-confidence motion in Trudeau, call for 'carbon tax election'

Poilievre plans to move non-confidence motion in Trudeau, call for 'carbon tax election'

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre says he plans to move a motion of…

Liberals table sweeping elections law reforms including expanding advance voting, targeting AI

Liberals table sweeping elections law reforms including expanding advance voting, targeting AI

The fed­er­al Lib­er­al gov­ern­ment tabled elec­toral reform leg­is­la­tion Wednes­day…

'My job is not to be popular': Trudeau defends carbon pricing increase amid cross-Canada resistance

'My job is not to be popular': Trudeau defends carbon pricing increase amid cross-Canada resistance

As Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre puts the prime min­is­ter on notice that his…

Anand 'very surprised' to learn DND employee's company got ArriveCan contract, Poilievre calls for police probe

Anand 'very surprised' to learn DND employee's company got ArriveCan contract, Poilievre calls for police probe

News that the CEO of Dalian Enter­pris­es, which received $7.9 mil­lion for its work on…

New online harms bill would force major online services to quickly take down harmful sexual content

New online harms bill would force major online services to quickly take down harmful sexual content

In an effort address what it sees as the ris­ing risk of harm­ful online con­tent, the…

As Poilievre sides with Smith on trans restrictions, former Conservative candidate says he's 'playing with fire'

As Poilievre sides with Smith on trans restrictions, former Conservative candidate says he's 'playing with fire'

Sid­ing with Alber­ta Pre­mier Danielle Smith on her pro­posed restric­tions on…

Singh puts PM 'on notice' over pharmacare bill, says failure to deliver a 'deal breaker'

Singh puts PM 'on notice' over pharmacare bill, says failure to deliver a 'deal breaker'

NDP Leader Jag­meet Singh says he has put Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau ​“on notice”…

'He consulted us, and we advised him': Ethics commissioner testifies on Trudeau Jamaican vacation

'He consulted us, and we advised him': Ethics commissioner testifies on Trudeau Jamaican vacation

Canada’s inter­im ethics com­mis­sion­er Kon­rad von Finck­en­stein has con­firmed that…

MPs vow action on grocery and housing prices, carbon tax as 2024 House sitting begins

MPs vow action on grocery and housing prices, carbon tax as 2024 House sitting begins

Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment returned to Ottawa on Mon­day vow­ing action on Cana­di­ans’…

Canada's industry minister 'disappointed' in grocers' cost stabilization measures

Canada's industry minister 'disappointed' in grocers' cost stabilization measures

Indus­try Min­is­ter Fran­cois-Philippe Cham­pagne says he’s ​“dis­ap­point­ed” in the…

House of Commons 'more a stage than an institution' says former PM Clark

House of Commons 'more a stage than an institution' says former PM Clark

For­mer Pro­gres­sive Con­ser­v­a­tive prime min­is­ter Joe Clark says the House of…

Trudeau and Singh's teams quietly planning electoral reform legislation

Trudeau and Singh's teams quietly planning electoral reform legislation

As progress on some mea­sures in the Lib­er­al-NDP con­fi­dence-and-sup­ply agree­ment…

'It has been hell': Liberal MP Rota on months since Speaker resignation

'It has been hell': Liberal MP Rota on months since Speaker resignation

Lib­er­al MP Antho­ny Rota says ​“it has been hell” in the months since he resigned as…

What's left to accomplish under the Liberal-NDP pact keeping PM Trudeau in power?

What's left to accomplish under the Liberal-NDP pact keeping PM Trudeau in power?

Head­ing into what could be a make-or-break year for the fed­er­al Lib­er­al-NDP…

What Nanos' tracking tells us about Canadians' mood, party preference heading into 2024

What Nanos' tracking tells us about Canadians' mood, party preference heading into 2024

Head­ing into a new year, Cana­di­ans aren’t feel­ing over­ly opti­mistic about the…

'The Liberal government needs to lead again': What the Green party is hoping for in 2024

'The Liberal government needs to lead again': What the Green party is hoping for in 2024

As the 2024 polit­i­cal sea­son gets under­way, the fed­er­al Green par­ty is call­ing on…

Nearly 1 in 2 Canadians would prefer the next federal election happen before 2025: Nanos survey

Nearly 1 in 2 Canadians would prefer the next federal election happen before 2025: Nanos survey

Near­ly one in two Cana­di­ans would pre­fer the next fed­er­al elec­tion take place…

Poilievre's deputy says Conservative plans to cut spending will be outlined during next campaign

Poilievre's deputy says Conservative plans to cut spending will be outlined during next campaign

Con­ser­v­a­tive deputy leader Melis­sa Lants­man says Cana­di­ans will learn how her…

Grading Trudeau, Poilievre, Singh on their 2023 political performances

Grading Trudeau, Poilievre, Singh on their 2023 political performances

This year saw some sig­nif­i­cant move­ment when it came to polit­i­cal par­ty sup­port…

Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland says she plans to run for re-election, not focused on polls

Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland says she plans to run for re-election, not focused on polls

A decade after she was first elect­ed, Canada’s Deputy Prime Min­is­ter and Finance…

Liberal gun control bill passes Senate, poised to become law

Liberal gun control bill passes Senate, poised to become law

The fed­er­al Lib­er­al gov­ern­men­t’s con­tentious gun con­trol leg­is­la­tion Bill…

As Conservative House tactics persist, Gould suggests Poilievre's party take a 'time-out'

As Conservative House tactics persist, Gould suggests Poilievre's party take a 'time-out'

As mem­bers of Par­lia­ment are brac­ing for the end of the House of Com­mons…

House committee recommends sanctions, not resignation for Speaker Fergus

House committee recommends sanctions, not resignation for Speaker Fergus

House of Com­mons Speak­er Greg Fer­gus is being called on to pay a fine and…

'Gaslighting Canadians': Liberals, NDP note Poilievre's absence from House as marathon voting kicks off

'Gaslighting Canadians': Liberals, NDP note Poilievre's absence from House as marathon voting kicks off

Pierre Poilievre’s Con­ser­v­a­tives have launched what could become an overnight…

Amid concern over Canadians going hungry, Conservatives criticized for voting against school food bill

Amid concern over Canadians going hungry, Conservatives criticized for voting against school food bill

As Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre con­tin­ues to voice con­cern over the…

PM pans Poilievre for 'pulling stunts' by threatening to delay MPs' holidays with House tactics

PM pans Poilievre for 'pulling stunts' by threatening to delay MPs' holidays with House tactics

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre is threat­en­ing to delay MPs’ hol­i­days by…

Liberal ministers defend Speaker Fergus amid opposition resignation calls over video

Liberal ministers defend Speaker Fergus amid opposition resignation calls over video

Fed­er­al Lib­er­al cab­i­net min­is­ters are com­ing to the defence of House of Com­mons…

'Simply unacceptable': MPs call on Speaker Fergus to resign over 'personal' video message played at partisan event

'Simply unacceptable': MPs call on Speaker Fergus to resign over 'personal' video message played at partisan event

House of Com­mons Speak­er Greg Fer­gus apol­o­gized to MPs on Mon­day about a…

Liberals and NDP tied in ballot support, Conservatives 19 points ahead: Nanos

Liberals and NDP tied in ballot support, Conservatives 19 points ahead: Nanos

The gov­ern­ing minor­i­ty Lib­er­als’ decline in the polls has now placed them in…

Ukraine's ambassador hopes Canada's support stays strong amid carbon tax trade bill acrimony

Ukraine's ambassador hopes Canada's support stays strong amid carbon tax trade bill acrimony

Amid the Con­ser­v­a­tive par­ty’s unan­i­mous rejec­tion of a bill seek­ing to…

Poilievre motion calling on Trudeau to extend carbon tax pause to all forms of home heating fails

Poilievre motion calling on Trudeau to extend carbon tax pause to all forms of home heating fails

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre’s non-bind­ing motion call­ing on Prime…

No more carve-outs coming, Trudeau tells Canadians hoping for carbon tax pause on all home heating types

No more carve-outs coming, Trudeau tells Canadians hoping for carbon tax pause on all home heating types

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment will not be offer­ing any more carve-outs to the car­bon…

'No more carve-outs coming,' natural resources minister says of carbon price

'No more carve-outs coming,' natural resources minister says of carbon price

There will be ​“no more carve-outs com­ing” to the fed­er­al gov­ern­men­t’s car­bon…

Conservatives go hard in the House on minister's 'elect more Liberals' carbon pricing comment

Conservatives go hard in the House on minister's 'elect more Liberals' carbon pricing comment

The fed­er­al gov­ern­men­t’s han­dling of carve-outs to its car­bon pric­ing plan…

Alberta allowed to leave CPP, but would be a 'one-way ticket': employment minister NOW PLAYING

Alberta allowed to leave CPP, but would be a 'one-way ticket': employment minister NOW PLAYING

Employ­ment Min­is­ter Randy Bois­son­nault says while Alber­ta is legal­ly allowed to…

6th Canadian confirmed dead, 2 missing in Israel-Hamas war: Joly

6th Canadian confirmed dead, 2 missing in Israel-Hamas war: Joly

A sixth Cana­di­an is con­firmed to have died in the Israel-Hamas war(opens in a new…