Raisa Patel Ottawa Bureau

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Elon Musk says Justin Trudeau is 'trying to crush free speech.' Here's what's actually going on

Elon Musk says Justin Trudeau is 'trying to crush free speech.' Here's what's actually going on

At issue was an update from the CRTC with details of what types of online plat­forms and…

Trudeau's government tasked her with seeking justice for Indigenous children in unmarked graves. Now she says it's stonewalling her

Trudeau's government tasked her with seeking justice for Indigenous children in unmarked graves. Now she says it's stonewalling her

A fed­er­al gov­ern­ment appointee says lim­its around how she con­ducts her work are…

How will Canadians be protected from the scary potential of artificial intelligence? We just got a first glimpse

How will Canadians be protected from the scary potential of artificial intelligence? We just got a first glimpse

Inno­va­tion Min­is­ter Fran­cois-Philippe Cham­pagne unveiled vol­un­tary guide­lines…