Robson Fletcher

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Robson Fletcher.

Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour

Is 13 too young to work? A Saskatchewan proposal has reignited debate around kids and labour

Saskatchewan Cham­ber of Com­merce wants ​‘absolute min­i­mum’ age low­ered. Saskatchewan…

What the 'inadvertent error' in the PBO's carbon tax analysis means, in as plain English as possible

What the 'inadvertent error' in the PBO's carbon tax analysis means, in as plain English as possible

The next time you feel bad about a mis­take in your line of work, spare…

New head of Alberta oilsands group wants clarity from Poilievre on industrial carbon pricing

New head of Alberta oilsands group wants clarity from Poilievre on industrial carbon pricing

‘We’ve talked for 40 years about cli­mate change … and we’ve done very, very lit­tle…

The unravelling of Danielle Smith's case for Alberta's renewables pause

The unravelling of Danielle Smith's case for Alberta's renewables pause

Inter­nal doc­u­ments con­tra­dict pre­mier’s claims; indus­try says it has big­ger…

Millions of Canadians get their carbon tax rebates today. So why do many not believe it?

Millions of Canadians get their carbon tax rebates today. So why do many not believe it?

About $2.3 bil­lion in fed­er­al car­bon-tax rebates will be paid out to rough­ly 12…

If Canada axed its carbon tax — and rebates — this is how different households would gain or lose

If Canada axed its carbon tax — and rebates — this is how different households would gain or lose

High-income house­holds would tend to be the biggest win­ners, low­er-income house­holds…

What the guy who got into a shouting match with Danielle Smith at a climate conference thinks of the exchange

What the guy who got into a shouting match with Danielle Smith at a climate conference thinks of the exchange

Derek Pow­er did­n’t come to Alber­ta expect­ing to get into a shout­ing match with…