Robyn Urback

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Robyn Urback.

Trump’s first term was a warning for Canada. We didn’t heed it

Trump’s first term was a warning for Canada. We didn’t heed it

The U.S. pres­i­den­tial debate between Don­ald Trump and Joe Biden last month was…

Striking LCBO workers are making Doug Ford’s case for him

Striking LCBO workers are making Doug Ford’s case for him

The very first gov­ern­ment-run liquor stores opened in Ontario near­ly 100 years…

Harjit Sajjan will remain in cabinet, and shame on you for asking about it

Harjit Sajjan will remain in cabinet, and shame on you for asking about it

One thing that Cana­di­ans have learned over the course of the past nine years is that,…

Anthony Housefather can best represent Canadian Jews by walking away from the Liberals

Anthony Housefather can best represent Canadian Jews by walking away from the Liberals

For the past six or so months, Lib­er­al MP Antho­ny House­fa­ther has been an…

Pierre Poilievre can prove he’s a grown-up and read the NSICOP report. But what would be the point?

Pierre Poilievre can prove he’s a grown-up and read the NSICOP report. But what would be the point?

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre has every par­ti­san polit­i­cal rea­son to…

Canada should give doctors every incentive to stay. By hiking capital gains, it’s doing the opposite

Canada should give doctors every incentive to stay. By hiking capital gains, it’s doing the opposite

There is one very good rea­son why the Lib­er­als could not enter­tain the request from…

If the Conservatives have a ‘hidden agenda’ on abortion, it’s a mess

If the Conservatives have a ‘hidden agenda’ on abortion, it’s a mess

Cana­di­ans who are staunch­ly pro-choice should lis­ten to Con­ser­v­a­tive MP Arnold…

Blaine Higgs is livid about teens learning about sex. Does he know they listen to rock, too?

Blaine Higgs is livid about teens learning about sex. Does he know they listen to rock, too?

A moment, please, for the pure souls in New Brunswick high schools whose inno­cence has…

Beverley McLachlin’s continued tenure on Hong Kong’s court is an ongoing disgrace

Beverley McLachlin’s continued tenure on Hong Kong’s court is an ongoing disgrace

Bev­er­ley McLach­lin has spent the past six years ser­vic­ing the rep­u­ta­tion of Hong…

‘Useless and overpaid’ lobbyists sure are keeping Pierre Poilievre’s calendar busy

‘Useless and overpaid’ lobbyists sure are keeping Pierre Poilievre’s calendar busy

I’m not sure why Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre wrote an entire op-ed in the…

Of course the keffiyeh is political. But it still shouldn’t be banned from Ontario’s legislature

Of course the keffiyeh is political. But it still shouldn’t be banned from Ontario’s legislature

Unless I mis­read their biogra­phies, I don’t believe NDP MPPs Kristyn Wong-Tam…

Jews have eyes. And they see that the antisemitism in the protests over Gaza is no aberration

Jews have eyes. And they see that the antisemitism in the protests over Gaza is no aberration

There is a point at which the gaslight­ing becomes gen­uine­ly insult­ing. When meek…

The failure of Canada’s health care system is a disgrace – and a deadly one

The failure of Canada’s health care system is a disgrace – and a deadly one

What can be said about Canada’s health care sys­tem that hasn’t been said count­less…

According to Justin Trudeau, Justin Trudeau is fear-mongering on immigration

According to Justin Trudeau, Justin Trudeau is fear-mongering on immigration

Some­one, some­where, appears to have tak­en a blow­torch to Canada’s immi­gra­tion…

Pierre Poilievre wants big government to protect kids from porn

Pierre Poilievre wants big government to protect kids from porn

Mr. Freedom’s war against the gate­keep­ers appar­ent­ly comes with a few…

Jagmeet Singh is super serious this time

Jagmeet Singh is super serious this time

Pity Jag­meet Singh’s com­mu­ni­ca­tions staff, con­stant­ly tasked with find­ing new…

No, for sure, I believe Justin Trudeau is the right leader for the Liberals

No, for sure, I believe Justin Trudeau is the right leader for the Liberals

No one should lis­ten to New­found­land MP Ken McDon­ald, who said in an inter­view with…