Rosie DiManno

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Rosie DiManno.

Donald Trump leaves the stage bleeding as a violent nation looks set to explode

Donald Trump leaves the stage bleeding as a violent nation looks set to explode

They shoot pres­i­dents in Amer­i­ca, don’t they? And for­mer pres­i­dents. And…

In the case of foreign interference, why not name names?

In the case of foreign interference, why not name names?

Justin Trudeau is a wit­less for the pros­e­cu­tion. The prime min­is­ter could, if…

Canada's flawed online harms bill and the U.K.'s misguided legislation on extremism are parts of a troubling trend

Canada's flawed online harms bill and the U.K.'s misguided legislation on extremism are parts of a troubling trend

It’s trou­bling how will­ing­ly some soci­eties will for­sake civ­il lib­er­ties in the…

At World Court, Israel provides methodical takedown — morally and legally — of genocide accusation

At World Court, Israel provides methodical takedown — morally and legally — of genocide accusation

One pota­to two pota­to three pota­to four … Two weeks after South Africa sub­mit­ted its…

U.K. migration fight shows why we must stand up for asylum

U.K. migration fight shows why we must stand up for asylum

Rest­less­ly, des­per­ate­ly, wretched­ly, much of world human­i­ty is on the risky move.…

Looking for glimmers of humanity amid the horrors of Hamas’s war with Israel

Looking for glimmers of humanity amid the horrors of Hamas’s war with Israel

A masked Hamas mil­i­tant plac­ing a gen­tle hand on an abduct­ed Jew­ish child,…

Hate crimes in Toronto ‘the likes of which we have never seen’

Hate crimes in Toronto ‘the likes of which we have never seen’

So much hate out there. So much hurt out there. Which are not the same thing. The law…

Empathy for occupied Palestinians or brazen hatred for Israel?

Empathy for occupied Palestinians or brazen hatred for Israel?

Why the mas­sive anti-Israel protests that engulfed major cities — includ­ing…

We shouldn’t be scared to call Hamas what it is

We shouldn’t be scared to call Hamas what it is

Ter­ror­ists. Ter­ror­ists. Ter­ror­ists. Sad­ly, it does bear repeat­ing appar­ent­ly,…