Sarah Ritchie

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Sarah Ritchie.

Anita Anand sworn in as transport minister after Pablo Rodriguez resigns

Anita Anand sworn in as transport minister after Pablo Rodriguez resigns

OTTAWA — Trea­sury Board Pres­i­dent Ani­ta Anand has been sworn in as fed­er­al…

Canada consulting with allies on possible involvement in AUKUS security pact

Canada consulting with allies on possible involvement in AUKUS security pact

OTTAWA — Cana­da is in con­sul­ta­tions with the U.K., the U.S. and Aus­tralia about…

Verdict expected in rape trial for former military leader Haydn Edmundson

Verdict expected in rape trial for former military leader Haydn Edmundson

OTTAWA — An Ottawa judge is set to deliv­er a ver­dict this morn­ing in the sex­u­al…

Canada's consul general says he had nothing to do with purchase of new NYC residence

Canada's consul general says he had nothing to do with purchase of new NYC residence

OTTAWA — Canada’s con­sul gen­er­al in New York told mem­bers of a House of Com­mons…

Canada's consul general in New York at House committee today about official residence

OTTAWA — Canada’s con­sul gen­er­al in New York is meet­ing with MPs today to talk about…

'Anything is possible': Gen. Jennie Carignan takes over command of Armed Forces

'Anything is possible': Gen. Jennie Carignan takes over command of Armed Forces

OTTAWA — Gen. Jen­nie Carig­nan was a lit­tle emo­tion­al on Thurs­day as she spoke…

Canada to work with Finland, U.S. on 'Ice Pact' to build icebreakers

Canada to work with Finland, U.S. on 'Ice Pact' to build icebreakers

OTTAWA — Cana­da has signed a tri­lat­er­al agree­ment with Fin­land and the U.S. to…

A new U.K. government renews hopes for a free-trade deal with Canada

A new U.K. government renews hopes for a free-trade deal with Canada

The major shift in the British polit­i­cal land­scape after Thurs­day’s elec­tion will…

A new U.K. government renews hopes for a free-trade deal with Canada

A new U.K. government renews hopes for a free-trade deal with Canada

OTTAWA — The major shift in the British polit­i­cal land­scape after Thurs­day’s…

Lt.-Gen. Jennie Carignan to take helm as first woman in Canadian military's top job

Lt.-Gen. Jennie Carignan to take helm as first woman in Canadian military's top job

OTTAWA — A woman will final­ly hold the Cana­di­an mil­i­tary’s top job for the…

Canada Day festivities attract hundreds at ceremonies, parties across the country

Canada Day festivities attract hundreds at ceremonies, parties across the country

The Maple Leaf flew on lamp­posts, flag­poles and patios across the coun­try on Mon­day…

Canada lists Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as terror group

Canada lists Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as terror group

OTTAWA — Pub­lic Safe­ty Min­is­ter Dominic LeBlanc says Cana­da has list­ed Iran’s…

Veterans mark sombre 80th D-Day anniversary in France, leaders warn democracy at risk

Veterans mark sombre 80th D-Day anniversary in France, leaders warn democracy at risk

COURSEULLES-SUR-MER — Thir­teen Cana­di­an vet­er­ans of the Sec­ond World War returned…

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau arrives in Normandy to mark 80th anniversary of D-Day

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau arrives in Normandy to mark 80th anniversary of D-Day

OTTAWA — The sky was over­cast but the sea was calm as a dark green amphibi­ous…

Trudeau travelling to Normandy to mark 80th anniversary of D-Day

Trudeau travelling to Normandy to mark 80th anniversary of D-Day

OTTAWA — Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is on his way to Nor­mandy, France, to mark the…

Canadian D-Day veteran Bill Cameron dies just days before 80th anniversary events

Canadian D-Day veteran Bill Cameron dies just days before 80th anniversary events

OTTAWA — Bill Cameron was look­ing for­ward to this week for a long time.

Canadian, Chinese defence ministers meet in Singapore as tensions rise over Taiwan

Canadian, Chinese defence ministers meet in Singapore as tensions rise over Taiwan

OTTAWA — Defence min­is­ters from Cana­da and Chi­na sat down togeth­er for the first…

Blair announces billions in training, equipment deals at military trade show

Blair announces billions in training, equipment deals at military trade show

Defence Min­is­ter Bill Blair came to the coun­try’s largest defence indus­try trade show…

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