Scott Stinson

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Scott Stinson.

The Conservatives poisoned the carbon tax. The NDP killed it off

The Conservatives poisoned the carbon tax. The NDP killed it off

If the fed­er­al car­bon tax is not yet dead, it has suf­fered a mor­tal wound.…

RFK Jr.‘s worm-brained bear fiasco holds a lesson for like-minded politicians everywhere: Sometimes you’re better off not trying to own the libs

RFK Jr.‘s worm-brained bear fiasco holds a lesson for like-minded politicians everywhere: Sometimes you’re better off not trying to own the libs

A curi­ous thing that has devel­oped in these unusu­al times, when a con­vict­ed…

Donald Trump’s astonishing, embarrassing appearance at an event for Black journalists Wednesday revealed a candidate who appears to be coming unglued

Donald Trump’s astonishing, embarrassing appearance at an event for Black journalists Wednesday revealed a candidate who appears to be coming unglued

Don­ald Trump is said to be good friends with Greg Nor­man, the for­mer pro­fes­sion­al…