Sean Boynton

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Sean Boynton.

Winnipeg lab records fight about avoiding ’embarrassment,’ not security: docs

Winnipeg lab records fight about avoiding ’embarrassment,’ not security: docs

Two sci­en­tists fired from Canada’s Nation­al Micro­bi­ol­o­gy Lab in Win­nipeg in 2019…

More Canadians giving up on owning a home, say it's only for the rich: poll

More Canadians giving up on owning a home, say it's only for the rich: poll

The Ipsos poll con­duct­ed exclu­sive­ly for Glob­al News fur­ther found 71 per cent of…

U.S. government shutdown looking more likely. What would the impacts be?

U.S. government shutdown looking more likely. What would the impacts be?

A shut­down of fed­er­al gov­ern­ment oper­a­tions may have wide-rang­ing impacts on…

Defence minister mum on whether India tensions will impact Indo-Pacific strategy

Defence minister mum on whether India tensions will impact Indo-Pacific strategy

Alle­ga­tions that Indi­an gov­ern­ment agents may be linked to a mur­der in Cana­da…