Shannon Proudfoot

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Shannon Proudfoot.

Praying for Donald Trump, for peace and for vengeance in Milwaukee

Praying for Donald Trump, for peace and for vengeance in Milwaukee

Less than 24 hours ear­li­er, their man on the pres­i­den­tial tick­et had clutched…

Inside the RCMP’s national training academy, where its newest recruits prepare for the job

Inside the RCMP’s national training academy, where its newest recruits prepare for the job

Part­way through the RCMP train­ing pro­gram, there’s a class that cov­ers…

Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are used to being underestimated. That’s not helping now

Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden are used to being underestimated. That’s not helping now

The day after the dis­as­trous pres­i­den­tial debate, CNN con­vened a pan­el that…

Justin Trudeau does his best Ookpik impression, then offers some real insights

Justin Trudeau does his best Ookpik impression, then offers some real insights

In his indis­pens­able book of children’s poet­ry Alli­ga­tor Pie, Den­nis Lee has…

What you can learn about politics from Arnold Viersen’s trip to Pierre Poilievre’s woodshed

What you can learn about politics from Arnold Viersen’s trip to Pierre Poilievre’s woodshed

The pod­cast inter­view that earned Con­ser­v­a­tive MP Arnold Viersen a news­pa­per…

Pierre Poilievre is pretending he doesn’t know how his job works because it makes it easier

Pierre Poilievre is pretending he doesn’t know how his job works because it makes it easier

Justin Trudeau gave a press con­fer­ence this week about elec­tric vehi­cles, but…

What sort of vision for the country can you conjure from inside a very deep hole?

What sort of vision for the country can you conjure from inside a very deep hole?

When you’re new to the job of gov­ern­ing, a bud­get is a man­i­festo writ­ten…

Justin Trudeau brings That Guy with him to the public inquiry on foreign interference

Justin Trudeau brings That Guy with him to the public inquiry on foreign interference

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau was on the first sen­tence of his first answer at the…

MPs targeted by China describe eerie patterns at foreign interference inquiry

MPs targeted by China describe eerie patterns at foreign interference inquiry

Every­one has been on the receiv­ing end of a social cold shoul­der when you start…

Liberals say Pierre Poilievre is feeding you Rage Krispies, but they want you to eat your veggies

Liberals say Pierre Poilievre is feeding you Rage Krispies, but they want you to eat your veggies

The Con­ser­v­a­tives screeched tri­umphant­ly through the fin­ish line of 2023, while…

Justin Trudeau is stuck in his own Rolling Stones moment

Justin Trudeau is stuck in his own Rolling Stones moment

There’s a week­end now ensconced in Lib­er­al lore that hap­pened in 2012, when…

David Menzies should never have been arrested, but not for the reasons Pierre Poilievre argues

David Menzies should never have been arrested, but not for the reasons Pierre Poilievre argues

Let’s give the Rebel News arrest and sub­se­quent howl­ing the Zaprud­er film treat­ment,…

What everyone gets wrong about Winnipeg, except Winnipeggers

What everyone gets wrong about Winnipeg, except Winnipeggers

If you don’t live in or come from Win­nipeg, what you know about the place is prob­a­bly…

When Poilievre met Murphy, and the Liberals lost their minds

When Poilievre met Murphy, and the Liberals lost their minds

So there sat Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre and Nation­al Post colum­nist Rex…

How much is the carbon tax climb-down worth to Justin Trudeau’s government?

How much is the carbon tax climb-down worth to Justin Trudeau’s government?

The human back­drop at a polit­i­cal event means tak­ing real peo­ple and reduc­ing…

Getting to the core of Pierre Poilievre’s biting B.C. interview

Getting to the core of Pierre Poilievre’s biting B.C. interview

This week, a video that was plain­ly designed to go viral achieved its pur­pose,…

NDP convention reveals partisan internal tensions, chaos and rapturous agreement

NDP convention reveals partisan internal tensions, chaos and rapturous agreement

Even as Jag­meet Singh set out to make the case that his is the only par­ty that will…

Jagmeet Singh’s NDP contemplates some giddy political math at their convention

Jagmeet Singh’s NDP contemplates some giddy political math at their convention

Some basic polit­i­cal math is fuelling a cer­tain gid­di­ness at the fed­er­al…