Sheila Reid

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Sheila Reid.

Ban on commercial dog walkers at Toronto park spotlights use of off-leash dog areas

Ban on commercial dog walkers at Toronto park spotlights use of off-leash dog areas

TORONTO — Toron­to is devel­op­ing cri­te­ria to deter­mine which sites would be…

'Perfect rat storm': Ontario cities seek ways to fight increasingly visible rats

'Perfect rat storm': Ontario cities seek ways to fight increasingly visible rats

Efforts are under­way to com­bat grow­ing rat pop­u­la­tions in two of Ontar­i­o’s…

Eyes pinned to Toronto byelection as safe Liberal seat teeters under Trudeau

Eyes pinned to Toronto byelection as safe Liberal seat teeters under Trudeau

Leslie Church seemed to know exact­ly what was com­ing as she sat down for an inter­view…