Shree Paradkar

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Shree Paradkar.

Islamophobic truck stunt shows dangers of legitimizing far-right media networks

Islamophobic truck stunt shows dangers of legitimizing far-right media networks

Imag­ine pulling off hate as a fundrais­ing stunt. Yet it seems that’s what Rebel…

Ottawa’s waffling on Gaza makes commitment to human rights look shaky

Ottawa’s waffling on Gaza makes commitment to human rights look shaky

If there is one word to describe Ottawa’s response to Israel’s war on Gaza, it sure­ly…

Banning abortions in 2024? History tells us what this is really about

Banning abortions in 2024? History tells us what this is really about

When Arizona’s Supreme Court rein­stat­ed an abor­tion ban this week, it yanked…

A Stephen Harper tweet was the latest reminder of the depth of Western bias on Israel-Palestine

A Stephen Harper tweet was the latest reminder of the depth of Western bias on Israel-Palestine

On Wednes­day, for­mer Cana­di­an prime min­is­ter Stephen Harp­er was in Jerusalem,…

As a journalist, I’m crushed by my industry’s silence on our Gaza colleagues

As a journalist, I’m crushed by my industry’s silence on our Gaza colleagues

I long believed that change was nec­es­sary and pos­si­ble in the jour­nal­ism indus­try,…

The takedown of Claudine Gay as Harvard president carries hallmarks of 'Trojan horse racism'

The takedown of Claudine Gay as Harvard president carries hallmarks of 'Trojan horse racism'

It’s a well-known and sad truth that a non-white per­son in posi­tion of…

A chill has crept into Ontario’s health sector when it comes to criticizing Israel’s actions in Gaza

A chill has crept into Ontario’s health sector when it comes to criticizing Israel’s actions in Gaza

Free­dom and rights. Life and death. As Israel leaves Gaza in blood-soaked dust and…

To spare innocents in Gaza, you have to see them as innocent first

To spare innocents in Gaza, you have to see them as innocent first

I’ve been sick for a few days. Now I’m sick at heart. Sick in body and spir­it. Like…