Spencer Van Dyk

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Spencer Van Dyk.

What does Canada need to see to resume trade talks with India? Minister won't say

What does Canada need to see to resume trade talks with India? Minister won't say

Inter­na­tion­al Trade Min­is­ter Mary Ng won’t say which con­di­tions India needs to…

NDP still plans to 'squeeze' as much as possible from deal with Liberals: Singh

NDP still plans to 'squeeze' as much as possible from deal with Liberals: Singh

The NDP plans to ​“squeeze as much as (it) can out of the Lib­er­als” before their…

Poilievre defends Truth and Reconciliation Day post, calls criticism 'appalling politicization'

Poilievre defends Truth and Reconciliation Day post, calls criticism 'appalling politicization'

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre is defend­ing the cap­tion on pho­tos he post­ed…

Ex-justice minister calls Nazi invite result of 'failure of indifference and inaction', supports unsealing Deschenes Commission records

Ex-justice minister calls Nazi invite result of 'failure of indifference and inaction', supports unsealing Deschenes Commission records

A for­mer fed­er­al jus­tice min­is­ter says the ​‘fail­ure of indif­fer­ence and…

Cotler calls Nazi invite result of 'failure of indifference and inaction', supports unsealing Deschenes records

Cotler calls Nazi invite result of 'failure of indifference and inaction', supports unsealing Deschenes records

A for­mer fed­er­al jus­tice min­is­ter says the ​‘fail­ure of indif­fer­ence and…

'Reconciliation is a lifelong experience': Gov. Gen. Mary Simon reflects on Truth and Reconciliation

'Reconciliation is a lifelong experience': Gov. Gen. Mary Simon reflects on Truth and Reconciliation

On the third annu­al Nation­al Day for Truth and Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion, Gov. Gen. Mary…

Working with federal government to lower food prices a 'benefit' to Canada's grocery leaders: Champagne

Working with federal government to lower food prices a 'benefit' to Canada's grocery leaders: Champagne

Indus­try Min­is­ter Fran­cois-Philippe Cham­pagne says it’s ​‘an advan­tage’ to gro­cery…