Stephen Maher

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Stephen Maher.

Justin Trudeau’s on the back foot, the opposition and media are no better. No wonder ruthless authoritarians are treating Canadians like a bunch of dim-witted lumberjacks
Alberta oil flowing, but that won’t help Trudeau

Alberta oil flowing, but that won’t help Trudeau

A pipeline that gave Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau a huge headache is final­ly…

The foreign interference revelations show that Trudeau’s security committee is fulfilling its mandate

The foreign interference revelations show that Trudeau’s security committee is fulfilling its mandate

One of the bit­ter ironies in the dis­mal, long-run­ning for­eign inter­fer­ence saga is…

Ottawa’s Response to the Trucker Protest Was Doomed from the Start

Ottawa’s Response to the Trucker Protest Was Doomed from the Start

THE STORY OF how Ottawa failed to deal effec­tive­ly with the three-week ​“Free­dom…

Trudeau's blackface crisis: What Butts and Telford knew about the photos before news broke

Trudeau's blackface crisis: What Butts and Telford knew about the photos before news broke

Book excerpt: How the Lib­er­al cam­paign team helped Justin Trudeau sur­vive arguably…

Prepare for the Meanest Election in Canadian History

Prepare for the Meanest Election in Canadian History

IERRE POILIEVRE first came to my atten­tion in 2004, when we were both new to Ottawa and…

Trudeau needs to read the writing on the wall

Trudeau needs to read the writing on the wall

In Octo­ber of 2022, when I start­ed work­ing on my book about Justin Trudeau’s…

Poilievre refuses to be pinned down

Poilievre refuses to be pinned down

Cana­di­an Finance Min­is­ter Chys­tia Free­land­said this week that she will put…

Who’s afraid of Mark Carney?

Who’s afraid of Mark Carney?

Mark Car­ney set the cat among the pigeons last week with a speech that gen­tly…

Biden and Trudeau face headwinds … from Gaza

Biden and Trudeau face headwinds … from Gaza

Last Thurs­day, after Joe Biden promised dur­ing his State of the Union to build…

Before Liberals can replace Trudeau, they would have to reckon with Gaza

Before Liberals can replace Trudeau, they would have to reckon with Gaza

If the race to suc­ceed Trudeau takes place while Israel is bomb­ing Gaza, would-be…

Poilievre can dish it out, but can he take it?

Poilievre can dish it out, but can he take it?

Many vot­ers may be glad to see him treat jour­nal­ists with dis­dain — that is for them…