Stuart Benson

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Stuart Benson.

Face supplant: minister recognition neither ‘net positive nor negative’ for Liberal election, leadership hopes, say politicos

Face supplant: minister recognition neither ‘net positive nor negative’ for Liberal election, leadership hopes, say politicos

The depar­ture of Sea­mus O’Regan from the Lib­er­als’ front bench will only fur­ther…

Despite divorce talk, New Democrat brand, history still hold value for Alberta’s Naheed Nenshi, say politicos

Despite divorce talk, New Democrat brand, history still hold value for Alberta’s Naheed Nenshi, say politicos

Naheed Nenshi’s land­slide vic­to­ry in the Alber­ta NDP lead­er­ship elec­tion came with…

‘Political class needs to wake the hell up, and stop treating India with kid gloves,’ say Sikh advocates seeking answers on foreign interference

‘Political class needs to wake the hell up, and stop treating India with kid gloves,’ say Sikh advocates seeking answers on foreign interference

Sikh com­mu­ni­ty advo­cates say they feel ​“val­i­dat­ed and vin­di­cat­ed” by…

Prison-reform advocate calls on feds to permanently kill the Joyceville slaughterhouse

Prison-reform advocate calls on feds to permanently kill the Joyceville slaughterhouse

More than a year and a half after the Joyceville Insti­tu­tion abat­toir in…

Foreign influence registry ‘more than a positive step forward,’ but not far enough, say diaspora groups

Foreign influence registry ‘more than a positive step forward,’ but not far enough, say diaspora groups

Dias­po­ra groups say the government’s pro­posed for­eign influ­ence reg­istry is…

House of Commons chaos a symptom of a past-expiry Parliament, not just Speaker’s judgment, say politicos

House of Commons chaos a symptom of a past-expiry Parliament, not just Speaker’s judgment, say politicos

The Speak­er of the House of Com­mons is once again fac­ing calls to resign from two…

Foreign interference a ‘stain’ on Canada’s electoral processes, but did not undermine 2019, 2021 elections, says Hogue

Foreign interference a ‘stain’ on Canada’s electoral processes, but did not undermine 2019, 2021 elections, says Hogue

Pre­lim­i­nary find­ings from the fed­er­al Pub­lic Inquiry into For­eign Inter­fer­ence…

‘Overtaxed and overburdened’: cannabis industry suffocating under regulatory regime as feds take puff past excise relief in budget

‘Overtaxed and overburdened’: cannabis industry suffocating under regulatory regime as feds take puff past excise relief in budget

With thou­sands of job loss­es since marijuana’s legal­iza­tion in 2018, cannabis…

The Canadian Conservative movement is tired of apologizing for their ideas

The Canadian Conservative movement is tired of apologizing for their ideas

Bol­stered by the Con­ser­v­a­tive Party’s record leads in the polls against the…

Liberals’ pre-budget ‘full-court press’ to win back younger voters a stress test for caucus election readiness, say politicos

Liberals’ pre-budget ‘full-court press’ to win back younger voters a stress test for caucus election readiness, say politicos

As the Lib­er­als’ pre-bud­get charm offen­sive enters its third week, the new strat­e­gy…

School food advocates celebrate as Liberals serve up long-awaited $1B for national program

School food advocates celebrate as Liberals serve up long-awaited $1B for national program

The Lib­er­als have announced they will be dish­ing out the first por­tion of the…

Hill staffers look back on the COVID-19 pandemic from their front-row seats to history

Hill staffers look back on the COVID-19 pandemic from their front-row seats to history

On March 20, 2020, one week after both Cham­bers of Par­lia­ment adjourned, the COVID-19…

Palestinian Canadians losing hope, taking drastic measures as Gaza visa program fails to bring loved ones to safety

Palestinian Canadians losing hope, taking drastic measures as Gaza visa program fails to bring loved ones to safety

Pales­tin­ian Cana­di­ans with fam­i­ly trapped in Gaza say they are run­ning out of hope…

Exclusion of Black anti-racism activists from Supreme Court meeting ‘very concerning,’ says former GG, as Black caucus co-chair wary of ‘scary’ creep against progress
Massive Tory fundraising affords ‘nimbleness’ and more ‘boots on the ground’ in swing ridings, says Powers

Massive Tory fundraising affords ‘nimbleness’ and more ‘boots on the ground’ in swing ridings, says Powers

After dou­bling its fundrais­ing totals in 2023 and dou­ble-dig­it polling leads, the…

New rule: incumbent Tory MPs whose ridings changed 25 per cent or more will have to go through nomination contests

New rule: incumbent Tory MPs whose ridings changed 25 per cent or more will have to go through nomination contests

Incum­bent Con­ser­v­a­tive MPs whose rid­ings have changed in pop­u­la­tion by 25 per…

Despite Emergencies Act ‘vindication,’ Conservatives shouldn’t deviate from message discipline, say politicos

Despite Emergencies Act ‘vindication,’ Conservatives shouldn’t deviate from message discipline, say politicos

Despite the Lib­er­als’ vow to appeal last week’s Fed­er­al Court rul­ing reject­ing the…

Tactical neutrality may avoid inflaming Liberal caucus divisions, but Canada can’t escape ICJ ruling consequences with silence: international law experts

Tactical neutrality may avoid inflaming Liberal caucus divisions, but Canada can’t escape ICJ ruling consequences with silence: international law experts

Amidst South Africa’s case before the Inter­na­tion­al Court of Jus­tice accus­ing Israel…

Palestinian Canadians race against time and each other as Gazan visa cap threatens hopes of family reunification

Palestinian Canadians race against time and each other as Gazan visa cap threatens hopes of family reunification

As the spe­cial extend­ed fam­i­ly pro­gram for peo­ple in Gaza opened for appli­ca­tions…

Tory polling sign of political landscape’s ‘shifting sands’ and volatility from undecided voters, says pollster Shachi Kurl

Tory polling sign of political landscape’s ‘shifting sands’ and volatility from undecided voters, says pollster Shachi Kurl

The Con­ser­v­a­tives still have a dou­ble-dig­it lead across every recent poll, but…

Liberal and NDP strategists say flexibility on pharmacare timelines, dissent a sign of pact’s longevity, not limitations

Liberal and NDP strategists say flexibility on pharmacare timelines, dissent a sign of pact’s longevity, not limitations

As New Democ­rats excit­ed­ly unwrapped the lat­est expan­sion to the nation­al den­tal…

‘Illusion’ of Speaker’s impartiality difficult to maintain in Parliament of party loyalists, says Westminster expert Lagassé

‘Illusion’ of Speaker’s impartiality difficult to maintain in Parliament of party loyalists, says Westminster expert Lagassé

As MPs con­tin­ue to weigh whether House of Com­mons Speak­er Greg Fer­gus’ trib­ute to…

Protesters vow continued ‘civil disobedience’ until feds issue call for permanent Israel-Hamas ceasefire

Protesters vow continued ‘civil disobedience’ until feds issue call for permanent Israel-Hamas ceasefire

Amid a tem­po­rary pause in hos­til­i­ties in Israel’s war on Hamas and the…

‘Not a problem of communications, but operations’: Liberals showing signs of a government on ‘autopilot,’ say politicos

‘Not a problem of communications, but operations’: Liberals showing signs of a government on ‘autopilot,’ say politicos

With the first weeks of the fall sit­ting now in the rearview mir­ror, for­mer senior…