Stuart Thomson

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Stuart Thomson.

Majority of millennials, Gen Z don't support Trudeau's internet regulation plans: poll

Majority of millennials, Gen Z don't support Trudeau's internet regulation plans: poll

A new Post­media-Leg­er poll con­tains a stark warn­ing for any polit­i­cal par­ty…

The Liberals new CBC advisory panel may be too late to save it from Poilievre's defunding

The Liberals new CBC advisory panel may be too late to save it from Poilievre's defunding

‘The prob­lem now is that cre­at­ing a sense of com­mu­ni­ty through pub­lic…

How Justin Trudeau sparked a tech bro revolt

How Justin Trudeau sparked a tech bro revolt

Hun­dreds of tech lead­ers and entre­pre­neurs joined the Shopi­fy founder in…

Lying politicians: Truths about why and when our leaders lie

Lying politicians: Truths about why and when our leaders lie

Any fan of grit­ty one-hour police dra­mas can tell you that spot­ting a liar is…

As the Liberals' universal daycare policy unravels, Conservatives could go on the offensive

As the Liberals' universal daycare policy unravels, Conservatives could go on the offensive

Less than a year ago, the fed­er­al Con­ser­v­a­tives unan­i­mous­ly held their nose…

When 'conservatives pounce': The right finds its cautionary tale of subtle media bias

When 'conservatives pounce': The right finds its cautionary tale of subtle media bias

44% of Cana­di­ans believe that ​‘much of the infor­ma­tion’ they receive from media…

Poilievre's Conservatives are using the 'selfie' video to remake the Canadian political conversation

Poilievre's Conservatives are using the 'selfie' video to remake the Canadian political conversation

It used to be that when­ev­er news broke on Par­lia­ment Hill, politi­cians would run to…