Susan Riley

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Susan Riley.

Who will be left standing in an uncertain political moment?

Who will be left standing in an uncertain political moment?

The failed assas­si­na­tion attempt on Don­ald Trump at a week­end ral­ly has added…

Happy Canada Day, everyone! Or is it?

Happy Canada Day, everyone! Or is it?

This will cer­tain­ly be a hap­py day for Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre,…

Colonel Mustard with the knife in the Constituency? Maybe not

Colonel Mustard with the knife in the Constituency? Maybe not

It has been like a long-play­ing Net­flix series — alter­nate­ly alarm­ing,…

Workin’ 9 to 5, that’s no way to make a livin’

Workin’ 9 to 5, that’s no way to make a livin’

The stereo­typ­i­cal ​“Ottawa” bureau­crat arous­es as much sym­pa­thy with the pub­lic…

First they came for the carbon tax, are electric vehicles next?

First they came for the carbon tax, are electric vehicles next?

Per­haps slow­ing sales of elec­tric vehi­cles in Cana­da, indus­try cau­tion, and…

How to navigate post-fact politics: skeptically, but attentively

How to navigate post-fact politics: skeptically, but attentively

Any­one look­ing for evi­dence that we live in a post-pol­i­cy, post-fact,…

There are signs of resistance to the right-wing juggernaut, if you look hard enough

There are signs of resistance to the right-wing juggernaut, if you look hard enough

Lurk­ing some­where between despair and denial, you can spot tiny glim­mers of hope for…

‘Baby-steps’ pharmacare a test of our humanity and of our political leaders

‘Baby-steps’ pharmacare a test of our humanity and of our political leaders

The recent announce­ment of the first baby steps towards a nation­al phar­ma­care…

A rapidly changing climate and a glaring political disconnect

A rapidly changing climate and a glaring political disconnect

A block or so from Par­lia­ment Hill, Ottawa’s fabled Rideau Canal Skate­way has been…

For climate progress, maybe the rest of Canada should join Quebec

For climate progress, maybe the rest of Canada should join Quebec

At a Que­bec all-sea­sons park, more than 100 kilo­me­tres north of both Ottawa and…

Will Trudeau’s third act include a surprise ending?

Will Trudeau’s third act include a surprise ending?

Will Trudeau’s third act include a sur­prise end­ing? And will any­one be watch­ing?…

Oil and gas industry’s fancy foot-dragging wins the day, again

Oil and gas industry’s fancy foot-dragging wins the day, again

It has been a splen­did cou­ple of weeks for the oil and gas indus­try. Over the…