Teresa Wright

While National Newswatch does not keep an archive of external articles for longer than 6 months, we do keep all articles written by contributors who post directly to our site. Here you will find all of the contributed and linked external articles from Teresa Wright.

Poilievre’s failure to condemn far-right speaks volumes: extremism researchers

Poilievre’s failure to condemn far-right speaks volumes: extremism researchers

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre’s lack of explic­it con­dem­na­tion of far-right…

Trudeau’s Liberals have a new strategy, and it’s putting a spring in their step

Trudeau’s Liberals have a new strategy, and it’s putting a spring in their step

Call­ing out CPC attacks, push­ing back against angry pre­miers, pre-announc­ing the…

Trudeau doubles down as premiers push back on federal ‘overreach’

Trudeau doubles down as premiers push back on federal ‘overreach’

Prime Min­is­ter Justin Trudeau is fir­ing back at crit­i­cism his gov­ern­ment is…

Canadians eye federal budget for action on high food prices

Canadians eye federal budget for action on high food prices

Cana­di­ans fed up with pay­ing high gro­cery prices will be close­ly watch­ing the…

All eyes on Liberal efforts to pass pharmacare after years of promises to lower drug costs

All eyes on Liberal efforts to pass pharmacare after years of promises to lower drug costs

Cana­da has now become the sec­ond most expen­sive coun­try for patent­ed med­i­cines,…

Sounding the alarm: Canadian politicians face rise in death threats, harassment

Sounding the alarm: Canadian politicians face rise in death threats, harassment

An esca­la­tion of harass­ment and threats against Cana­di­an politi­cians is lead­ing to…

Holland calls pharmacare bill a ‘pilot’ for national drug coverage

Holland calls pharmacare bill a ‘pilot’ for national drug coverage

The fed­er­al gov­ern­ment has tabled its long-await­ed phar­ma­care…

Conservative criticism of MacAulay lobster photo ‘insensitive’ to Atlantic fishery: industry

Conservative criticism of MacAulay lobster photo ‘insensitive’ to Atlantic fishery: industry

Rep­re­sen­ta­tives of the lob­ster and seafood indus­tries in Atlantic Cana­da are…

MPs call for Ottawa to cancel military rent hike

MPs call for Ottawa to cancel military rent hike

Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment from all four major polit­i­cal par­ties in Ottawa are call­ing…

Liberals double down on safer supply, commit to renewed funding

Liberals double down on safer supply, commit to renewed funding

Canada’s men­tal health and addic­tions min­is­ter says Ottawa plans to ​“review and…

Fake blood-filled syringes sent to Senators, MPs by prison workers union show ‘culture of impunity’: senator

Fake blood-filled syringes sent to Senators, MPs by prison workers union show ‘culture of impunity’: senator

Sen­a­tors upset by hol­i­day cards that includ­ed imi­ta­tion blood-filled syringes sent…

Liberals, NDP say no plans to merge, despite strong Conservative lead in polls

Liberals, NDP say no plans to merge, despite strong Conservative lead in polls

While there may appear to be strate­gic advan­tages to merg­ing in the same way the…

The political strategy behind Poilievre’s testy exchanges with journalists

The political strategy behind Poilievre’s testy exchanges with journalists

Con­ser­v­a­tive Leader Pierre Poilievre may be suc­cess­ful­ly avoid­ing ques­tions that…

Liberal bail reform bill passes in Senate, despite deep concerns of unintended consequences

Liberal bail reform bill passes in Senate, despite deep concerns of unintended consequences

The Lib­er­al government’s bail reform pack­age cleared a sig­nif­i­cant…

Canada shifts messaging on digital services tax following U.S. blowback: experts

Canada shifts messaging on digital services tax following U.S. blowback: experts

The Trudeau gov­ern­ment has soft­ened its stance on plans to push ahead with a new…

Health minister stresses fiscal prudence as NDP turns up the heat on pharmacare

Health minister stresses fiscal prudence as NDP turns up the heat on pharmacare

As Cana­di­ans wait to see details of the Trudeau government’s high­ly antic­i­pat­ed…