The Associated Press

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FBI says Trump was indeed struck by bullet during assassination attempt

FBI says Trump was indeed struck by bullet during assassination attempt

WASHINGTON (AP) — The FBI said for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump was struck in the ear by…

North Carolina Democrats sue to reverse decision that put RFK Jr. on ballots

RALEIGH. N.C. (AP) — The North Car­oli­na Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty has chal­lenged the state…

Judge takes final step to overturn Florida's 'Stop WOKE Act'

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — A judge issued a final order Fri­day to over­turn…

As Harris considers a running mate, what are states' succession rules for VP candidates?

As Harris considers a running mate, what are states' succession rules for VP candidates?

The 2024 White House cam­paign has thrust a hand­ful of gov­er­nors and sen­a­tors…

Transcript: Biden's speech explaining why he withdrew from the 2024 presidential race

WASHINGTON (AP) — Tran­script of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s address to the nation on July…

Federal judge tosses Ohio voting restrictions on voters with disabilities

Federal judge tosses Ohio voting restrictions on voters with disabilities

CLEVELAND (AP) — A fed­er­al judge has struck down part of Ohio’s sweep­ing 2023…

Calls for Maya Rudolph to reprise her Kamala Harris on 'SNL' are flooding social media

Calls for Maya Rudolph to reprise her Kamala Harris on 'SNL' are flooding social media

NEW YORK (AP) — Will Maya Rudolph’s ​“funt,” aka Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris, be back…

Senate Ethics Committee starts review of Sen. Bob Menendez's conduct following bribery conviction

Senate Ethics Committee starts review of Sen. Bob Menendez's conduct following bribery conviction

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Sen­ate Ethics Com­mit­tee said Mon­day that its mem­bers had…

Calls for Maya Rudolph to reprise her Kamala Harris on 'SNL' are flooding in on social media

Calls for Maya Rudolph to reprise her Kamala Harris on 'SNL' are flooding in on social media

NEW YORK (AP) — Will Maya Rudolph’s ​“funt,” aka Vice Pres­i­dent Kamala Har­ris, be back…

Who's No. 2? Four leading Democrats emerge as a possible running mate for Kamala Harris

Who's No. 2? Four leading Democrats emerge as a possible running mate for Kamala Harris

No one knows the impor­tance of select­ing the right run­ning mate bet­ter than Vice…

Hunter Biden drops lawsuit against Fox News over explicit images featured in streaming series

Hunter Biden drops lawsuit against Fox News over explicit images featured in streaming series

NEW YORK (AP) — Hunter Biden has dropped a law­suit accus­ing Fox News of…

Vice President Kamala Harris leads list of contenders for spots on the Democratic ticket

Vice President Kamala Harris leads list of contenders for spots on the Democratic ticket

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s deci­sion to step down as the Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty’s nom­i­nee…

Homeland Security secretary names independent panel to review Trump assassination attempt

Homeland Security secretary names independent panel to review Trump assassination attempt

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. Home­land Secu­ri­ty Sec­re­tary Ale­jan­dro May­orkas has…

Hollywood reacts to Joe Biden exiting the presidential race

Hol­ly­wood was quick to react to the news that Pres­i­dent Joe Biden was end­ing his bid…

Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democrat turned independent, urges Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race

Sen. Joe Manchin, a Democrat turned independent, urges Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Joe Manchin, a Demo­c­rat turned inde­pen­dent, urged…

Sen. Joe Manchin, an independent of West Virginia, urges Biden to withdraw from race

Sen. Joe Manchin, an independent of West Virginia, urges Biden to withdraw from race

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. Joe Manchin, a Demo­c­rat turned inde­pen­dent, urged…

Florida man arrested, accused of making threats against Trump, Vance on social media

JUPITER, Fla. (AP) — A Flori­da man accused of mak­ing threats against for­mer…

South Dakota anti-abortion group appeals ruling that dismissed its lawsuit over ballot initiative

South Dakota anti-abortion group appeals ruling that dismissed its lawsuit over ballot initiative

PIERRE, S.D. (AP) — An anti-abor­tion group in South Dako­ta is appeal­ing to the state’s…

South Dakota anti-abortion groups appeals ruling that dismissed its lawsuit over ballot initiative

An anti-abor­tion group in South Dako­ta is appeal­ing to the state’s Supreme Court after…

Former Trump executive Allen Weisselberg released from jail after serving perjury sentence

NEW YORK (AP) — Retired Trump Orga­ni­za­tion exec­u­tive Allen Weis­sel­berg was…

Colorado judge rejects claims that door-to-door voter fraud search was intimidation

Colorado judge rejects claims that door-to-door voter fraud search was intimidation

DENVER (AP) — A Col­orado judge on Thurs­day reject­ed claims from civ­il and…

North Carolina Senate leader Berger names Ulm next chief of staff

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — A long­time aide to North Car­oli­na state Sen­ate leader Phil…

New Jersey Democrats set to pick candidate in special House primary for Donald Payne Jr.'s seat

New Jersey Democrats set to pick candidate in special House primary for Donald Payne Jr.'s seat

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — New Jer­sey Democ­rats are set to pick from a crowd­ed field of…

Funeral services planned for former fire chief shot to death at Trump rally in Pennsylvania

Funeral services planned for former fire chief shot to death at Trump rally in Pennsylvania

FREEPORT, Pa. (AP) — The Penn­syl­va­nia man killed when a sniper attempt­ed to…

Baltimore officials sue to block 'baby bonus' initiative that would give new parents $1,000

Baltimore officials sue to block 'baby bonus' initiative that would give new parents $1,000

BALTIMORE (AP) — Bal­ti­more’s may­or and city coun­cil have filed a law­suit…

Donald Trump arrives in Milwaukee for RNC after assassination attempt heightens security fears

Donald Trump arrives in Milwaukee for RNC after assassination attempt heightens security fears

MILWAUKEE (AP) — For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump has arrived in Mil­wau­kee for the…

This year's RNC speakers include VP hopefuls, GOP lawmakers and UFC's CEO  -  but not Melania Trump

This year's RNC speakers include VP hopefuls, GOP lawmakers and UFC's CEO - but not Melania Trump

WASHINGTON (AP) — For­mer first lady Mela­nia Trump will attend the Repub­li­can…

Rudy Giuliani's bankruptcy case was thrown out. Here are some key things to know

Rudy Giuliani's bankruptcy case was thrown out. Here are some key things to know

NEW YORK (AP) — A fed­er­al judge threw out the bank­rupt­cy case of for­mer New…

Facebook lifts restrictions on Trump, giving him equal footing with Biden on the social media site

Facebook lifts restrictions on Trump, giving him equal footing with Biden on the social media site

WASHINGTON (AP) — Face­book has lift­ed restric­tions imposed on Don­ald Trump after the…

Wisconsin Republicans to open new Hispanic outreach center

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wis­con­sin Repub­li­cans plan to open a new His­pan­ic…

Arizona abortion initiative backers sue to remove 'unborn human being' from voter pamphlet language

Arizona abortion initiative backers sue to remove 'unborn human being' from voter pamphlet language

PHOENIX (AP) — Back­ers of a Novem­ber abor­tion rights bal­lot ini­tia­tive have…

Investigators behind Mueller Report on Trump and Russia will share 'inside story' in upcoming book

NEW YORK (AP) — The team assem­bled by spe­cial coun­sel Robert S. Mueller to…

The request for federal aid after Beryl opens rift between White House and Texas

The request for federal aid after Beryl opens rift between White House and Texas

HOUSTON (AP) — The dam­age left by Hur­ri­cane Beryl in Texas and requests for fed­er­al…

Actor George Clooney, a high-profile Biden supporter and fundraiser, asks president to leave race

Actor George Clooney, a high-profile Biden supporter and fundraiser, asks president to leave race

WASHINGTON (AP) — Movie star and life­long Demo­c­rat George Clooney added his voice to…

An Indiana man gets 14 months after guilty plea to threatening a Michigan election official in 2020

DETROIT (AP) — An Indi­ana man has been sen­tenced to 14 months in prison after plead­ing…

Arizona election worker accused of stealing a security fob also charged with other crimes

PHOENIX (AP) — A tem­po­rary elec­tion work­er accused of com­put­er tam­per­ing in…

Al Sharpton to deliver eulogy for Black man who died after being held down by Milwaukee hotel guards

Al Sharpton to deliver eulogy for Black man who died after being held down by Milwaukee hotel guards

MILWAUKEE (AP) — The Rev. Al Sharp­ton is sched­uled deliv­er a eulo­gy for…

Russian court orders arrest of opposition leader Navalny's widow, who lives abroad

Russian court orders arrest of opposition leader Navalny's widow, who lives abroad

A court in Rus­sia on Tues­day ordered the wid­ow of Russ­ian oppo­si­tion leader Alex­ei…

Vice President Kamala Harris leads new campaign effort to reach out to Asian American voters

Vice President Kamala Harris leads new campaign effort to reach out to Asian American voters

WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s reelec­tion cam­paign is launch­ing its for­mal…

Republican Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma dies at 89

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Repub­li­can Sen. Jim Inhofe, a con­ser­v­a­tive fire­brand…

Opponents of Louisiana's Ten Commandments law want judge to block it before new school year starts

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Oppo­nents of a new Louisiana law requir­ing that…

Read the letter President Biden sent to House Democrats telling them to support him in the election

Read the letter President Biden sent to House Democrats telling them to support him in the election

WASHINGTON (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden wants Democ­rats in Con­gress to know he has no…

French leftists win most seats in legislative elections, beating back far-right surge, pollsters say

French leftists win most seats in legislative elections, beating back far-right surge, pollsters say

A coali­tion on the left that came togeth­er unex­pect­ed­ly ahead of France’s snap…

Second gentleman Doug Emhoff tests positive for COVID. Vice President Harris has tested negative

Second gentleman Doug Emhoff tests positive for COVID. Vice President Harris has tested negative

WASHINGTON (AP) — Sec­ond Gen­tle­man Doug Emhoff has test­ed pos­i­tive for COVID-19…

Judge declines to throw out charges against Trump valet in classified documents case

Judge declines to throw out charges against Trump valet in classified documents case

WASHINGTON (AP) — The fed­er­al judge pre­sid­ing over the clas­si­fied doc­u­ments case…

Biden cancels speech at teachers union convention in Philadelphia after union staff goes on strike

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Pres­i­dent Joe Biden can­celed a planned speech in…

Virginia certifies John McGuire as primary winner over Rep. Bob Good, who says he'll seek a recount

Virginia certifies John McGuire as primary winner over Rep. Bob Good, who says he'll seek a recount

RICHMOND. Va. (AP) — The Vir­ginia State Board of Elec­tions on Tues­day cer­ti­fied the…

Virginia certifies John McGuire's primary victory over Rep. Bob Good, who says he'll seek a recount

Virginia certifies John McGuire's primary victory over Rep. Bob Good, who says he'll seek a recount

RICHMOND. Va. (AP) — The Vir­ginia State Board of Elec­tions on Tues­day cer­ti­fied the…

Biden to give extended interview to ABC News' George Stephanopoulos on Friday

Biden to give extended interview to ABC News' George Stephanopoulos on Friday

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden will give his an inter­view to ABC’s George Stephanopou­los lat­er…

Stripper sues Florida over new age restrictions for workers at adult entertainment businesses

Stripper sues Florida over new age restrictions for workers at adult entertainment businesses

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — A 19-year-old and the club where she worked as…

Prosecutor won't oppose Trump sentencing delay in hush money case after high court immunity ruling

Prosecutor won't oppose Trump sentencing delay in hush money case after high court immunity ruling

Man­hat­tan pros­e­cu­tors said they would be open to delay­ing Don­ald Trump’s…

Accused scammer who claimed to be Irish heiress has been extradited to UK to face charges

Accused scammer who claimed to be Irish heiress has been extradited to UK to face charges

A woman accused of trav­el­ing across the U.S. claim­ing to be an Irish heiress and…

Hunter Biden sues Fox News over explicit images featured in a streaming series

Hunter Biden sues Fox News over explicit images featured in a streaming series

NEW YORK (AP) — Hunter Biden accused Fox News in a law­suit of unlaw­ful­ly…

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs budget to close $46.8B budget deficit

California Gov. Gavin Newsom signs budget to close $46.8B budget deficit

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Gov. Gavin New­som on Sat­ur­day signed Cal­i­for­ni­a’s…

FACT FOCUS: Here's a look at some of the false claims made during Biden and Trump's first debate

FACT FOCUS: Here's a look at some of the false claims made during Biden and Trump's first debate

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden and for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump trad­ed barbs and…

Man charged with threatening to kill presidential candidates found dead as jury was deciding verdict

Man charged with threatening to kill presidential candidates found dead as jury was deciding verdict

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — A New Hamp­shire man charged with threat­en­ing the lives of…

Man on trial for threatening to kill presidential candidates found dead as jury was deciding verdict

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — A New Hamp­shire man on tri­al for threat­en­ing the lives of…

FACT FOCUS: Here's a look at the false claims you might hear during tonight's presidential debate

FACT FOCUS: Here's a look at the false claims you might hear during tonight's presidential debate

To hear for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump tell it, the U.S. has fall­en apart under…

Flatulent cows and pigs will face a carbon tax in Denmark, a world first

Flatulent cows and pigs will face a carbon tax in Denmark, a world first

Den­mark will tax live­stock farm­ers for the green­house gas­es emit­ted by their cows,…

Homeland Security says border arrests fall more than 40% since Biden's halt to asylum processing